How much the NP can be beneficial for kids with alalia?

The diagnosis presumes that recovery is impossible. The only thing that seems impossible is to think one is so smart that one can make such a diagnosis. That being said, we have seen many children with no capability of speaking gain speech using our protocol.

Do kids need ALA?

No. I only recommend daily supplementation of ALA for my patients that are 18+

What is ALA?

Alpha-Linolenic Acid – An omega-3 fatty acid commonly supplemented in the form of nuts, flax, or chia.

What does ALA do?

The third component of omega-3 is ALA, (alpha-linolenic acid), which is a plant-based omega-3. There is some research that suggests ALA can assist with lowering inflammation and may increase the amount of DHA penetrating into the brain.

How much ALA do I need?

‘- Option 1: Consume 1/4 cup of nuts per day (almonds, pecans, pistachios, cashews, and walnuts)n- Option 2: Consume 1/2 – 1 Tablespoon of flax or chia seeds dailyn- Option 3: Consume 500-1,000mgs of liquid flax oil daily.

Do I need ALA while on the protocol?

I recommend patients eighteen years or older on The Nemechek Protocol® to take some form of daily supplementation of omega-3 ALA either from nuts (dry-roasted or raw), flax, or ground chia seeds, as long as they are not allergic to any of those items.

Is it safe to air fry some foods while on the protocol?

A concern with air frying food is that it can increase the concentration of inflammatory AGE molecules within the food and potentially slow recovery.

My child just finished his 2nd monthly round of rifaximin. I am finding during the 10 day course he is more aggressive but the behaviors seem to calm after the 10 day course is complete. Is this common? Should I be doing something differently?

The aggression you are seeing is part of the awakening, and the calming effect is from the bacteria relapsing. When I see this see-sawing behavior, I recommend that my patients increase to continuous rifaximin. Although the negative behaviors will increase, they will begin to decline within a month or two as a brain starts repairing itself.

Since recently starting the protocol my child has become more aggressive. How long will this last?

During the awakening period, some children may demonstrate a greater level of aggression. This is because the sedating effects of propionic acid have been reduced or eliminated due to a rebalancing of the intestinal bacteria. Some behaviors may seem worse because the propionic acid was suppressing their ability to act out these behaviors as a drug might. Once on the full protocol, the behaviors generally will begin subsiding within a month or 2.

Will the protocol worsen aggression?

During the awakening period, some children may demonstrate a greater level of aggression. This is because the sedating effects of propionic acid have been reduced or eliminated due to a rebalancing of the intestinal bacteria. Some behaviors may seem worse because the propionic acid was suppressing their ability to act out these behaviors as a drug might. Once on the full protocol, the behaviors generally will begin subsiding within a month or 2.