Does The Nemechek Protocol also help with apraxia?

Yes. In addition to helping children with developmental delay and cumulative brain injuries, The Nemechek Protocol is effective in reversing sensory issues, apraxia, and fine or gross motor issues.

What are the recommended brands that I need to get started?

1. Inulin: Nemechek Blue, NOW Foodsn2. Fish Oil: Nemechek Silver, Nordic Naturals or NOW Foods brands. n3. Olive Oil: Extra Virgin Olive Oils with the COOC certification such as Nemechek Gold. nnApproved products for The Nemechek Protocol can be purchased at including the book and other items can be purchased here at a 10% discount

What are some brand names for Rifaximin?

Xifaxin, Rifagut, Rifaximina, SIBOfix, Zaxine.

Why do you have preferred brands?

I’m very particular about the brands I use because there is such a high amount of fraud or substandard quality within the nutritional supplement and olive oil industries.

What are the approved brands of Olive Oil?

Because of the considerable risk of buying fraudulent imported olive oils, patients on The Nemechek Protocol® are recommended to use extra virgin olive oils certified by the California Olive Oil Council (COOC). Nemechek Gold is a good option as it was designed to meet Dr. Nemechek’s specifications and can be purchased here at a 10% discount

What are the approved brands of inulin?

When buying powdered inulin, I recommend buying Nemechek Blue Organic Inulin or Inulin from NOW Foods. It is my experience that many other brands are much less effective than Nemechek Blue or the NOW Foods brand. Nemechek Blue inulin can be purchased here at a 10% discount

What are the approved brands of fish oil?

Nemechek Silver, NOW brand and Nordic Naturals are approved for use with The Nemechek Protocol. I do not recommend using the new high DHA concentration formulations that contain little to no EPA. Approved products for The Nemechek Protocol including the book and other items can be purchased here at a 10% discount

Will apple cider vinegar interfere with your protocol?

Occasional use of AVC should not cause any problems.

Why does my child seem constantly anxious?

Constant inappropriate anxiety in a child is often from either bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system leading to low blood pressure into the brain, or a combination of both. Severe past emotional traumas may also fuel some constant anxiety as well.

How to determine the type of aggression in a 23 year old? Has been a long term issue.

Dr. Nemechek hosted a live Q&A event in August 2023 in which he reviews the the four possible causes of anxiety and aggression:n1) Norepinephrinen2) Low Blood Pressuren3) Road Ragen4) DiscomfortnAs well as tips on identifying which is the root cause of your child’s issues, and even more importantly, he shared the best ways to improve things for your child. We recommend that you review the video which can be found in the Parent Chat feature of the Nemechek Navigator under the Live Q&A Events forum. nn