How long does the Awakening period last?

The Awakening is a boost of awareness and eye contact most commonly seen in younger patients starting the protocol. Although it can be sometimes accompanied by an increase in some behaviors, the negative aspects of the awakening typically begin improving within 4-6 weeks are beginning the protocol.

Does everyone experience an Awakening?

Older children and adults with autism, as well as children with developmental delay but without an autism diagnosis, tend to have little to no awakening period. I believe this is because the bacteria overgrowing in their intestines are probably not capable of producing propionic acid or the propionic acid has less of a negative effect on their nervous system. If a patient does not experience an awakening, it does not mean the protocol is not working. It simply means they have bacterial overgrowth with bacteria that do not produce propionic acid.

Is the Awakening always just negative behaviors?

Absolutely not. Many parents report that soon after starting their children were calmer, less anxious, more engaged, sleeping better, less picky with foods, and had an easier time with transitioning to new activities. No two children are alike and each child may experience the awakening differently.

What are common signs of Awakening in kids with Autism?

Within the first few weeks of starting, many children may demonstrate much greater eye contact, increased connectedness with family, and an increased sense of awareness of their environment. This is because the sedating effects of propionic acid have been reduced or eliminated due to a rebalancing of the intestinal bacteria. See Chapter Sixteen of our updated book for a more in-depth explanation of bacterial overgrowth and propionic acid. Eliminating the sedative effect will also give a child’s parent a sense of potentially how neurologically imbalanced their child actually is. Some behaviors may seem worse because the propionic acid was suppressing their ability to act out these behaviors as a drug might. Such behaviors might be stimming, anxiety, aggression, hyperactivity, or sleeplessness. Parents are now seeing their child for the first time without the child being sedated.

Do kids without Autism experience an Awakening? If so what does it look like?

For kids who are not on the spectrum and not under the sedating effects of propionic acid, you will not witness the same obvious signs of awakening and determining the correct dose of inulin can be confusing. The awakening can present with increased anxiety (stimming, repetitive behavior, insomnia, tearfulness) or more aggression behavior. The anxiety and aggression are just the effects of noradrenaline (the body’s natural fight or flight hormone) release from autonomic dysfunction. As the autonomics recover, these behaviors will improve over several weeks to a few months. While, often disruptive to parents, this is normal and will settle as the autonomics get more recovery.

What does the Awakening look like in autistic adults?

Treatment of an adult with autism with rifaximin does not have as impressive an awakening response as seen in young children or even teens. I’m not certain why but suspect that by this age the parents have through trial and error learned that certain eating, medication, and environmental factors had already dampened the impact of propionic acid to a certain degree, or they are presently experiencing bacterial overgrowth from bacteria that do not produce propionic acid.

I know the first 3 months can be challenging because of the awakening. What can I expect to see after that?

Contrary to social media comments, the awakening is often not associated with significant worsening of negative behaviors (aggression, insomnia, hyperactivity) if my dosing recommendations are followed.nnIf there is an increase in aggression or hyperactivity, it is often for just a few weeks, after which the nervous system begins recovering, and the negative behaviors begin to subside.

Is there anything I need to avoid while on this Protocol?

There is strict avoidance of Probiotics while on this protocol. Additionally, people should eliminate digestive enzymes, unnecessary supplements as well as foods that advertise themselves as a source of probiotics/supplements. I also advise my patients to limit their consumption of artificial sugars and omega-6 oils such as soy, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils. n

What is the ANS Autonomic Nervous System?

Autonomic Nervous System – A large portion of the nervous system that regulates blood pressure, coordinates all organs (heart, intestines, bladder, etc.), controls inflammation, and regulates emotions. The ANS can sustain injuries from a wide variety of physical, emotional, and inflammatory insults.

Can the Nemechek Protocol help with autoimmune encephalitis?

Yes. While there is little concrete evidence that autoimmune encephalitis even exists, many practitioners will classify these children as having PANS or PANDAS. My protocol is very effective in helping kids with PANS and PANDAS recover, and their recovery is similar in nature to children with autism. Some even have an awakening!