I noticed bad breath soon after starting the protocol. Is that normal?

Starting The Nemechek Protocol can create a shift in the existing gut bacteria which may result in minor skin issues or bad breath. These generally resolve fairly quickly.

What is Bacterial Overgrowth?

Often used to refer to excessive bacterial growth within the small intestine.

Since starting the protocol my child is babbling more. Is that a good sign that they will speak soon?

Yes! Babbling is one of the speech milestones that are a precursor to speech. This is a great sign and indicates that your child is progressing through the necessary pre-verbal skills that will eventually lead to speech.

Are Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine allowed while on your protocol?

Yes, but I would be cautious about using them if the treatment is designed to alter a child’s behaviors.

I think my child is aware but sometimes they seem to ignore me or won’t acknowledge me or make eye contact when I speak to them. Should I be concerned?

As heartbreaking as it may seem, sometimes children do not place importance on responding when we call them by name. The ” Cookie Test ” is a simple test to determine whether the child is “aware” of what is going around them is called the “Cookie Test.”nnIf a child is inconsistently responding to their name, I suggest asking them if they would like a cookie or other favorite food. Often the child who is not responding to their name will very quickly respond to the question of “Do you want a cookie?”

Why do kids seem “worse” during the Awakening?

The change of behaviors during the awakening period is often not the worsening of underlying neurological problems, it is a glimpse of the true degree of underlying damage and developmental delay. Once the sedating propionic acid dissipates from their system, their true underlying behaviors reveal themselves. The children are not actually worse, they are finally awake and free of the chemical effects of propionic acid.

What is the Awakening?

The Nemechek Protocol uses inulin or rifaximin to balance the bacteria in the small intestine. Reversal of bacterial overgrowth by either method leads to a rapid decline in systemic inflammation and brings the excessive production of propionic acid to a halt. nnOnce bacterial overgrowth is reversed and propionic acid levels decline, these children are released from the toxic, stuporous prison they have been trapped in. Within a few days they often become more aware, have improved eye contact, and respond more readily to their name or simple commands. I refer to this early response as “the awakening period.” The awakening period is a direct effect of the drop in production of propionic acid.

We recently started your protocol and repetitive behavior and stimming has increased. Is that normal?n

This is part of the Awakening period and will improve over the next 4-8 weeks.

Do all children experience an awakening when using The Nemechek Protocol?

Many do, but not all. The awakening is an increase in awareness, eye contact, and social behavior within 1-2 weeks of starting the protocol. While most young children experience an awakening, not all do. Likewise, the older the child, the awakening is less intense and less noticeable and may not occur at all sometimes.nnIf you do not see an awakening, I advise staying with your initial protocol for at least 3-4 months before deciding if a change is necessary.

Is it possible to see Awakening immediately after starting?

Yes in some cases parents report a difference in their child’s awareness within a few days; in other children, the difference might be noted in a few weeks. Children who were heavily sedated by propionic acid may see an immediate improvement upon starting inulin as it rebalances the intestinal tract and significantly lowers the toxicity of excessive propionic acid.