I have the original book, should I still buy the updated version?

Yes. The second book is a more detailed and comprehensive view of the protocol and includes all the new information I have learned since I wrote the original book. The second edition is double in size and covers anxiety, hyperactivity, and aggression in much greater detail.

Where can I buy the book?

You can purchase a copy of The Nemechek Protocol either on our website (international shipping is available) or on Amazon.

Is Dr. Nemechek considering bringing out an audio book?

Yes! This project is currently underway and we will announce when the book is ready to be released.

Could bone broth be a substitute for glutamine?

No, bone broth is not a good substitute for glutamine.

In the last week, my child has been having trouble urinating, is getting more aggressive and craving salt? What can cause this?

Pain or difficulty with urination should always raise the suspicion of a bladder (urinary tract) infection (UTI). I would recommend an evaluation by a physician.

My son uses betaine HCL because he has low production of hydrochloric acid, is there any problem with continuing Betaine HCL during the protocol?

Inadequate production of stomach acid is a very uncommon situation and generally only occurs with advanced inflammation of the stomach (atrophic gastritis). If there is any benefit to betaine HCL, I do not believe it is because individuals are producing subnormal levels of stomach acid.

Since starting continuous Rifaximin a few weeks ago my child’s behavior is just unmanageable! He is uncontrollable. Throwing stuff, running away from me. Does this mean that Rifaximin is not working?

This sounds like the Awakening and is a great sign that Rifaximin is working. Eliminating the sedative effect of propionic acid will give a child’s parent a sense of potentially how neurologically imbalanced their child is. Some behaviors may seem worse because the propionic acid suppressed their ability to act out these behaviors as a drug. Parents are now seeing their child for the first time without the sedating effects of propionic acid. In other words, a child’s behavior may initially worsen, but that does not mean the protocol is not working. It means we have discovered a key to the potential recovery and the starting point we begin working from.

Why is my kids behavior better at school than at home?

Some children with autism have difficulty with unexpected or unfavorable changes in their routine. The changes trigger an unpleasant reaction within the child, but instead of a mild tantrum or a sad facial expression, the child often overreacts with aggression. nnSome educational programs do an excellent job of recognizing this. They place a strong emphasis on maintaining a familiar routine, and as such, there are fewer negative behaviors from the child. Suppose the child’s parents are overwhelmed with many additional responsibilities. In that case, they may not provide enough warnings for changes that are about to occur, the child’s behavior will be worse at home than at school.

Why is my kids behavior better at home than at school?

Some children with autism have difficulty with unexpected or unfavorable changes in their routine. The changes trigger an unpleasant reaction within the child, but instead of a mild tantrum or a sad facial expression, the child often overreacts with aggression. nnIf the parents recognize this and do an excellent job of maintaining a schedule and giving the child advanced warning of upcoming changes, the child has a less intense reaction. If the child’s school is less able to provide ample warnings for changes that are about to occur, the child’s behavior will be worse at school than at home.nnObviously, other negative issues at school such as conflicts with teachers, therapists, or other students can be a major source of this pattern as well.

Is Bee Pollen permitted on the protocol? I used to give it to my child prior to NP as source of vitamins etc, now I stopped but my son sometimes ask me to give him a spoon and I wonder if it’s ok as it isn’t really a supplement.

My main concern about supplements is that the majority are fraudulent in that they do not contain what is listed on the label or they contain other substances not listed. The power of my protocol is its ability to reduce inflammation, thereby allowing the nervous system to repair itself.