Is it safe to give my child camel milk?

Yes. But I have found that children recover just as fast and naturally if they consume dairy (cow) milk instead of camel milk.

Can you start the protocol if you are having symptoms from C-Diff (Clostridium difficle colitis)?

If someone has active C. difficle colitis (fever, bloody stools, diarrhea, etc.) then the protocol must wait until the person is symptom-free. If the C. difficle bacteria is found on a stool culture in a symptom-free patient, I then I’ll treat the patient. We now understand that many, many patients carry C-diff in their stool mixture, and it is not to be considered something that must be eradicated. If you are uncertain if your symptoms are from C. difficle, I recommend discussing the issue with your physician before starting the protocol.

Can bacteria be passed through breast milk?

Breast milk does not contain bacteria. But a child can become colonized with a mother’s bacteria because of the physical contact that occurs while breastfeeding.

If a mother is taking supplements and breastfeeding a child on the protocol, could this interfere with the protocol for the child?


Is it safe to breastfeed a child on the protocol while taking Rifaximin myself?

Although rifaximin is not absorbed and therefore cannot get into the breast milk, there are no studies to date to suggest that breastfeeding while on rifaximin is safe.

Can I take rifaximin while breastfeeding?

The rifaximin medication I prescribe to my adult patients to reverse intestinal bacterial overgrowth is not a treatment option during pregnancy as it is not approved for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. While pregnant or breastfeeding I recommend the use of inulin.nn

I am breastfeeding my child. Can they get the components of the protocol from breastfeeding or do I need to give them the supplements?

If a mother is supplementing with fish oil and olive oil, her breast milk will contain higher amounts of the healthy omega fatty acids found in the oils. If the mother is consuming inulin, there will be no inulin present in the breast milk.

Does breastfeeding interfere in protocol?

No, it does not.

Does the Nemechek Protocol improve Brain Fog?

Yes, it can. “Brain Fog” describes a decrease in cognitive ability. The most common cause of this is an inability to regulate blood pressure in the brain correctly (cerebral hypoperfusion) and is a consequence of autonomic nervous system dysfunction.nnThe Nemechek Protocol was initially designed to help reverse chronic autonomic dysfunction in adults and was awarded a U.S. patent for this purpose.

What can we do while waiting for recovery to help our kids get more blood pressure to the brain?

While waiting for the brain to repair itself, there are a few things that can help boost low brain blood pressure. Increase fluids and salt in the diet, increase exercise (jumping on a trampoline, riding a bike), or lay flat occasionally (this eliminates gravity and increases blood pressure).