Do I need to be dairy free while on the Protocol?

I do not restrict any foods in the diet when I treat my patients with The Nemechek Protocol® other than foods known to cause severe allergic reactions (peanuts, walnuts, etc.) or obvious intolerance (milk causing diarrhea, etc.) in the patient.

I have been on the protocol for a while and dairy is still bothering me, does that mean that SIBO is not resolved?

Most milk intolerance will resolve when overgrowth of the small intestine is corrected, but a small group pf individuals lose the ability the produce lactase, the enzyme responsible for digesting milk sugar, lactose. The undigested milk sugar can then lead to abdominal, bloating, cramping, flatulence or diarrhea.

When would I move on to daily rifaximin?

Even with monthly rifaximin, some patients still will not show evidence of recovery, and this is because they are relapsing even before the next course of rifaximin has begun. If a patient is not showing any improvement after three months of rifaximin, I start these patients on non-stop, twice daily, continuous rifaximin along with five minutes of daily vagus nerve stimulation.

What are Cytokines?

Cytokines are chemicals released from white blood cells and can either be anti-inflammatory (reduce inflammation) or pro-Inflammatory (increase inflammation)

How much time to take my kids to cure with The Nemechek Protocol?

Firstly, I do not believe a “cure” is a proper term for a chronic neurological disorder. Cure is more appropriate for infections, for example.nnSecondly, the time to recover can vary significantly based upon the age of a child (younger children have less to recover from than older children), the degree of suppression of bacterial overgrowth as well as additional neurological damage that might have occurred (intracranial bleeding, strokes, cerebral palsy, seizures and frequency of physical or emotional trauma) throughout the child’s life.

What about the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin? Is it useful in the protocol? Could it be used instead of olive oil?

In my research in adults, I found the olive oil to be much more effective in promoting neurological recovery than curcumin.

Why does my child keep cupping/covering his ears?

Researchers have not sorted out many of the particular behaviors a child with autism or developmental delay exhibit. In regards to cupping of the ears, or of wearing noise-canceling headsets, some researchers speculate that the nervous system of the child has difficultly ignoring particular background noises. nnExamples not noticing the sound of a fan in the room or the chatter in a restaurant. Many children hear all the sounds equally and this can be distracting to the point of causing anxiety or distress.

My child has suddenly started to cry non-stop after many months of improvement. What could cause this?

Various things can cause a child with autism to be chronically upset, tearful, and agitated. First, it’s important to note that failure of inulin or rifaximin to control intestinal bacterial overgrowth is rarely a cause of this. Commonly it is something causing physical stress or pain, either physically or emotionally. Chronic infections (sinus, middle ear, bladder), abdominal pain (cramping, constipation), reflux), dental issues (cavities, abscess), or emotional strain from unpleasant school or home stress. Look for these problems, and you’ll often be able to help your child to feel better.

Can you crush Rifaximin?


Can The Nemechek Protocol benefit persons with Crohn’s Disease?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol for Autonomic Recovery is designed to reduce elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the presence of abnormally primed M1- microglia. These 2 pathological processes prevent recovery from brain injury, interfere with neuronal/synaptic pruning, interfere with brain development in utero, and are a key feature of the neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS). It is capable of reversing a wide range of chronic neurological conditions (migraine and cluster headaches, chronic fatigue, generalized anxiety, depression/PTSD, ADD/ADHD) as well as intestinal disorders (heartburn, reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, etc.), and it’s potent anti-inflammatory effect substantially reduces symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, etc.)