If I stop the oils but keep inulin will I see a relapse?

Yes, I believe you will. The olive and fish oils help stabilize the omega-3:omega-6 balance which is critical to maintaining lower levels of inflammation.

My child’s stool test had very low bifidobacterium and lactobacillus species, so we considered implementing a probiotic to increase those species. What are your thoughts?

As I discuss in the book, stool testing from a sample from the rectum does not represent the bacterial overgrowth issues present within the small intestine. Furthermore, we can only grow a minority of the bacteria that live within the intestinal tract, so how meaningful can a stool analysis from the distal colon be? I vigorously oppose the use of any probiotics in the treatment of any child with autism or any developmental disorder.

Is stool microbiome (bacteria) testing helpful?

Other than looking for traditional enteric pathogens such as salmonella or giardia, assessing the balance of bacteria with a stool specimen provides little to no practical information that would guide therapy. The real concerning area of the microbiome is within the small intestine and stool specimens from the rectum do not provide information about the small intestine.nnUnfortunately, there is no way to get repeated accurate tests on the bacterial species growing within the small intestine outside of an intensive research setting.

The frequency of my kids poops increased from 1 to 2 times a day to 3 to 4 times a day. His stool is not loose but just the frequency increased. What should I do?

Increased frequency of stool without diarrhea is generally nothing to worry about. Sometimes increased frequency of stooling when on the protocol might be from the amount of oil the child is consuming. I recommend my patients double-check the amount of oil they are given by looking at the table in the book (also available in the Nemechek Navigator). Adjust doses if necessary, and then I recommend giving the fish oil and olive oil at separate times.

Can EVOO (olive oil) or fish oil worsen a stomach ulcer?

No, I don’t think that would be very likely.

My child has started stimming more recently. What might be causing this?

Many issues can trigger a worsening of behaviors, such as stemming, that will need to be addressed to get recovery back on track. Oftentimes these issues go undetected by parents simply because the child cannot communicate that they may be experiencing pain or discomfort. Things like dental, sinus, bladder, ear infections, or severe allergies can derail the recovery and have a major impact on behaviors. nnThis is not a relapse or a regression. When this occurs, it is either because the child is in pain or a drop in blood pressure to their head from another source. There may be an obvious trigger like a recent trauma or stressful event, but the child needs a medical examination to rule out other sources in many cases. The most common trigger I see in my office is dental issues. Getting an x-ray and having your child assessed by a professional is the recommended course of action. Please see the included checklist for common triggers.

Will a child’s stimming eventually go away with time on the protocol?

As long as the main areas of recovery are improving (communication, socialization, emotional regulation, and hyperactivity), I don’t worry about episodes such as covering the ears or stimming behavior because they too will eventually resolve themselves without any additional intervention.

Will stem cell therapies help my child’s autism?

The short answer is that I believe they will not. Let me explain.nnIn the early 2000s, scientists discovered that humans produce stem cells throughout life. Before this discovery, they believed that stem cell production stopped at the time of birth. We now know that stem cells circulate freely within the bloodstream and are produced within the tissue of every organ, including the central nervous system. nnThe primary problem is that chronic inflammation with the body lessens the capacity of stem cells to repair and rejuvenate tissue correctly. Simply infusing stem cells into the bloodstream has been shown repeatedly not to have any significant benefit if infused into an individual with chronic inflammation. The infused stem cells will fail to function because of the inflammation, just as naturally produced cells do.nnSince The Nemechek Protocol lowers inflammation throughout the body, it will predictably improve natural stem cell function. Our protocol can give you the same theoretical benefits of stem cell infusions without the medical risk or excessive expense.

Does the Nemechek Protocol cause new stem cells to be produced?

The protocol’s primary effect is to lower inflammation. By doing so, the stem cells all humans produce daily will begin to function more normally and help the body in its natural repair process.

Can I start the protocol with Rifaximin even though my child is young (5 years old)?

Yes, but my preference is to start with inulin. Not only is it very safe and inexpensive, but it’s also very effective in the majority of young children.