Can The Nemechek Protocol help reduce the frequency of seizures (epilepsy)?

Excessive inflammation within the central nervous system (CNS) can cause seizures to occur more frequently. The more inflammation, the more seizures typically will occur. The Nemechek Protocol can help to reduce the frequency of seizures due to the protocol’s ability to reduce inflammation within the CNS.

What is EPA?

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an omega-3 fatty acid. Dietary sources include wild fish, fish oil, and meat from animals that feed on their natural food (e.g., grass-fed beef).

Can the protocol help my child even if they have been diagnosed with Crohn’s, EOE or colitis?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol will help many childhood issues because they all have similar origins, an overgrowth of intestinal bacteria and multiple mechanisms that fuel inflammation.

Does the protocol have to be given on an empty stomach?

The various components of the protocol (inulin, rifaximin, fish oil, and olive oil) may be given with or without food.

Can a stressful event impact recovery?

Yes it can. Emotional traumas such as moving into a new home, starting a new school, a change in therapist, increased home stress (pandemic, divorce or separation), and bullying are just a few examples of situations that can cause a temporary halt in recovery. Recovery may not be noticed again until the stress-causing scenario has been dealt with or a new routine is established.

What do we do if emotional dysfunction is not improving?

I view the lack of progress in emotional regulation no differently than the lack of progress with other aspects such as language, socialization, or hyperactivity. If since starting the protocol, most issues are improving except emotional regulation, I would recommend the addition of vagus nerve stimulation to lower inflammation even further. nnIf there has been little to any improvement in most of these areas, I would change the approach to balancing the intestinal bacteria by switching from inulin to monthly rifaximin or from monthly rifaximin to continuous rifaximin.nnIf there had been good progress overall, including emotional regulation, but later on, aggression begins to increase. In that case, I look for external triggers such as infections, pain, emotional trauma, and dental issues.

What is elopement?

Elopement is the physical impulse a child feels if they release large amounts of the ‘fight or flight’ hormone called noradrenaline (norepinephrine). The children are releasing noradrenaline inappropriately because their nervous system is damaged.nAs the word ‘flight’ implies, the impulse tells them to run or flee from danger, and the child will literally feel this impulse and take off running with reason or warning.

Why does my child elope?

When damaged, the autonomic nervous system is often unable to regulate the proper flow and pressure of blood and oxygen into the brain when a person is standing upright. The brain does not like this and will force the individual to do certain things to improve blood flow such as fidget or crave sweet or salty snacks as these provide a boost of blood pressure.nnAnd if these compensations are not enough, the brain will trigger the secretion of a fight or flight hormone called noradrenaline. As the phrase “fight or flight” suggests, noradrenaline can cause aggressive, anxious, and frightened behaviors that sometimes manifest as the need to escape or flee. This need to escape is often referred to as elopement in children. nnThe elopement is just a side effect of noradrenaline resulting from autonomic dysfunction, and will resolve as the underlying cumulative brain injury is repaired. As the autonomics recover, these behaviors will improve over several weeks to a few months.

Can eloping be a sign of the awakening?

Yes. It can also be a sign of too much inulin as well.

Do you think it’s necessary to see a neurologist and get an EEG if the child is 4 and still not talking?

I believe the only need for an EEG is if there are behaviors that might suggest a seizure.