Can the protocol help my child even if they have been diagnosed with Failure to Thrive?

Yes, the Nemechek Protocol is very effective with child exhibiting impairment of growth.

Do you instruct the admins on Facebook on what to say?

No, I do not instruct the admins of any Facebook what to say. This also applies to all other social media platforms as well.

My child is improving but seems to have poor eye contact. What should I do?

If your child is showing signs of recovery, their lack of eye contact is more related to poor focus or a lack of interest than an inability to hold a gaze. Consider the trying the Cookie Test to see if they are able to establish eye contact with you.

What causes kid to look out corner of his eye?

The honest truth is I do not think anyone truly knows why autistic children might look out the corner of their eye. Fortunately, as they recover, this will eventually stop and they will use forward vision instead.

If a child is extremely aggressive and is unable to self regulate do you recommend going straight to continuous rifaximin?

If a child’s level of aggression poses a danger to themselves (headbanging) or others (biting, punching, throwing objects, etc.), I will often start the child on the protocol, including continuous rifaximin plus a vagus nerve stimulator. My goal is to get the child’s aggression to decrease as soon as possible.nnI will also start them on fluticasone if there are any sinus symptoms and refer them for a thorough dental exam.

Can your protocol help with excessive sweating?

Yes, the protocol is often very effective and normalizing sweat regulation. The process of heat regulation and sweating is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and can function abnormally, leading to excessive sweating or lack of sweating.

Are essential oils ok to use along side The Nemechek Protocol?

Topical oils should not interfere with the protocol but I recommend avoiding any supplement intended to be ingested unless specifically prescribed by a physician for a condition such iron or vitamin D deficiency.

Will Epsom salt baths interfere with rifaximin or any part of the protocol?

Epsom salt baths are very safe and will not interfere with any aspect of the protocol.

Is The Nemechek Protocol safe in children with epilepsy or seizures?

Yes. If you are ever in doubt I suggest asking your child’s managing physician if The Nemechek Protocol is safe for your child.

Will The Nemechek Protocol help children with epilepsy or seizures?

The frequency of seizures is increased if the central nervous system (CNS) is experiencing increased inflammation. All the elements of The Nemechek Protocol (balanced intestinal bacteria + fish oil + olive oil + vagus nerve stimulation) work together to dramatically reduce inflammation within the CNS and have, in many cases, led to a significant reduction of seizures.