Do I still need to take fish oil if I consume a lot of fish like tuna and salmon?

Unfortunately, a recent USDA investigation revealed that 50% of wild salmon sold in the U.S. is fraudulent and is actually farm-raised. Farm-raised salmon is fed grains and has little omega-3 in the meat. Stick with supplemental fish oil from the approved brands.

Can I use fermented fish oil?

No. I do not recommend fermented fish oil.

What are the doses of fish oil for a child?

The dosing chart for a variety of different fish oils, including Nemechek Silver, is available in the left sidebar.n

Can the fish oil dose be split up over the course of the day?

The fish oil may be taken as a single dose or split into 2 doses Fewer doses a day is generally easier but choosing a dosing schedule that works best for the household schedule often minimizes missed doses.

When should I increase the fish oil dosage?

The dose of fish oil is based on age and only needs to be increased every few years as the child ages into the next age bracket. The dosing chart for a variety of different fish oils is available in the left sidebar.

What are the doses of fish oil for an adult?

Option 1 – Take 30 ml (2 tablespoon) of Nemechek Silver liquid fish oil per day.nOption 2 – Take 6 DHA-500 fish oil capsules (NOW Foods, Inc) per day.nOption 3 – Take 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega liquid fish oil per day.nEither choice of fish oil may be taken with or without food, as a single dose or split into 2 doses.

Does fish oil cause diarrhea or loose stool?

Sometimes individuals can experience loose stools that can occur when first starting fish oil. This is often due to their intestinal tract not being able to absorb the sudden increase of oil being ingested or from malabsorption from bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine. If loose stools occur, I will have my patients stop their fish oil for a few weeks to allow the inulin or rifaximin to rebalance the bacteria and give their intestinal tract a chance to repair itself. Then after a few weeks, my patients can restart their fish oil at a 1/4 of the full dose, and increase up to full dose over a few weeks.

Is it ok to mix in the inulin, olive oil and fish oil together in the same smoothie?

Fish oil, olive oil, and inulin can all be mixed together in a single dose.

My child will not take the fish oil, can I give chai seeds which are also high in omega-3 fatty acids instead?

The essential omega-3 fatty acid for brain recovery is DHA and that is found only in the highest concentration in fish. Chia does not contain DHA, they contain a different omega-3 called ALA. ALA does not have the same beneficial effect of DHA.

What is the earliest age I can give fish oil?

Although it is often not necessary, fish oil can be given safely to children as young as a few months. Likewise, if a child is breastfeeding and the mother is supplementing with fish oil, the child will receive additional omega-3 fatty acids through the breast milk. As always, I recommend that parents consult their child’s pediatrician before starting fish oil if they have concerns.