Stool is shiny and oily does that mean I should cut back on the oils?

Stop the fish oil for a week or so and see if it stops. If so, try restarting to see if it recurs. If it does, start only the fish oil at a low dose and increase to full dose over 2-3 weeks. This allows the gut to adapt and “learn” to absorb the oil better. The add back the olive oil in the same fashion.

My child had a nose bleed. Is this from the fish oil?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the clotting effects of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Fish oil does not “thin the blood” per say, it prevents the formation of abnormal clots (often from increased levels of abnormal inflammation). Likewise, individuals who normally form blood clots, do not bleed more often when eating lots of fish or consuming lots of fish oil (e.g. Inuit). There is no evidence that giving omega-3 fatty acids to a child increases their risk of bleeding.

Do I need to be worried about mercury in fish oil?

Not with the brands of fish oil we recommend. Both Nordic Naturals and NOW Foods brands use a molecular distillation process to remove impurities (heavy metals, dioxins, etc.), saturated fats, and other undesirable organic compounds from their products. For more information, please see their respective websites FAQ’s

Can I use krill oil?

No. Krill oil has a different molecular structure than the fish oil. Our ancestors evolved on the shorter molecule that is found in fish oil, not on the longer molecule found in krill oil. I use the exact same core nutrients that kept our ancestor’s brains strong and resilient. In addition, the fish oil much less expensive than krill oil in the doses we require.

Can fish oil cause hyperactivity?

If fish oil is consumed and the intestinal tract is functioning normally and leaky gut is not present, fish oil does not cause hyperactivity, aggression, reflux, constipation, headaches, or fatigue. The symptoms that seemed to be triggered occur when leaky gut is present. With leaky gut, any food substances including fish oil, olive oil, and certain fruits or vegetables can all pass through the barrier of the small intestine and trigger the immune system as well as the autonomic nervous system. If the autonomic nervous system reacts and it results in a drop in brain blood pressure, hyperactivity, anxiety, and fatigue can occur.nnIf this reaction is occurring, the proper approach is to work towards improving the balance of intestinal bacteria rather than simply avoiding the offending food substance. I’ll recommend changing the inulin dose to monthly rifaximin or monthly rifaximin to continuous rifaximin.

My child gets hives from the fish oil. What should we do?

If this is occurring, my first consideration is that leaky gut is still present and a change from inulin to monthly rifaximin, or monthly rifaximin to continuous rifaximin is needed. Until then, dual histamine blockage is a standard approach to controlling the symptoms. If breathing issues occur, stop the fish oil and consult a medical allergist.

Since upping fish oil we are seeing a histamine type reaction…itchy legs, red ears, early waking, the development of hives. Why is that and what should we do?

If this is occurring, my first consideration is that leaky gut is still present and a change from inulin to monthly rifaximin or monthly rifaximin to continuous rifaximin is needed. Until then, dual histamine blockage is a standard approach to controlling the symptoms. If breathing issues occur, stop the fish oil and consult a medical allergist.

My child is allergic to fish, is there an alternative for the omega 3?

Fish contain many different molecules other than omega-3 fatty acids that can cause allergies. Remember, our own cells are made up from the identical omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Using highly purified fish oils such as Nordic Naturals will often allow those who are sensitive to fish tolerate the omega-3 supplementation. Alternatively, using an algae-based omega-3 supplement would avoid the fish reaction.

Can I add the fish oil to foods?

It is allowable to add fish oil to any food, cold or hot.

My child will not take the fish oil, can I give flax or flax oil which are also high in omega-3 fatty acids instead?

The essential omega-3 fatty acid for brain recovery is DHA and that is found only in the highest concentration in fish. Flax or flax oil do not contain DHA, they contain a different omega-3 called ALA. ALA does not have the same beneficial effect of DHA. Try adding the fish oil to orange juice or lemonade to see if that helps mask the flavor. Alternatively you could try switching to the fish oil capsules or fish oil gummies.