Does fish oil thin the blood?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the clotting effects of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Fish oil does not “thin the blood” per say, it prevents the formation of abnormal clots (often from increased levels of abnormal inflammation). Likewise, individuals who normally form blood clots, do not bleed more often when eating lots of fish or consuming lots of fish oil (e.g. Inuit). There is no evidence that giving omega-3 fatty acids to a child increases their risk of bleeding.

Do we need to stop fish oil before a surgery?

Fish oil is not a blood thinner and therefore does not decrease the ability of healthy persons to form normal blood clots, but rather prevents the formation of excessive, abnormal clots (think deep venous thrombosis, stroke) from occurring due to its anti-inflammatory action. If you have concerns I recommend discussing this with your surgeon and following their advice.

What happens if I stop the fish oil?

Stopping the fish oil will result in a rise of inflammation and will not only stop the recovery process but will lead to the return of underlying brain trauma symptoms such as constipation, hyperactivity, anxiety and poor focus.

What does the fish oil do?

Fish oil contains the vital anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. DHA is unique in it’s ability to shift primed M1-microglia cells (which are inflammatory and destructive) back into the M2-microglia type that promotes proper brain development and recovery from brain trauma.

Will doubling the daily fish oil dose improve recovery with speech, socialization or any other developmental problem?

No, it won’t. I have found that if my patients receive the proper doses and brands of fish oil and olive oil, increasing the amount of these oils will not improve the recovery rate of any neurological issues. If many areas d not seem to be improving, I will increase the intensity of balancing the intestinal tract (inulin-rifaximin or monthly rifaximin -> continuous rifaximin). If a single area is not improving, I’ll add vagus nerve stimulation.

My child smells like fish oil. Should I lower the dose or stop administering it?

I’d stop the fish oil for a week or so and see if it stops. If so, try restarting to see if it recurs. Its hard to image such a small dose of fish oil will result in the smell. Another option is that he is getting the fish oil and olive oil together and causing him not to fully absorb the fish oil with some passing into his stool. Separating the doses of the oils might make it easier for the intestines to absorb the oils, and solve the fish smell problem.

Are there any side effects to taking fish oil?

No, the regular consumption of fish oils, either in fish or as a supplement, has little to no side effects. If too much fish oil is consumed at one time, adults might complain of nausea, but in my experience with children, the small doses we use do not cause this problem. Also, fish oil does not cause an increase in bleeding. As an anti-inflammatory agent, it can prevent the abnormal and excessive formation of blood clots but is not associated with the impairment of the body to normally form blood clots.

Does fish oil make seizures or epilepsy worse?

Supplementation of fish oil in patients with epilepsy (seizures) is generally considered safe. If you are ever in doubt, I suggest asking your child’s managing physician if The Nemechek Protocol is safe for your child.

I left liquid fish oil out on the counter overnight. Is it still safe to take?

Liquid fish oil needs to be refrigerated but the capsules are fine to be left out.

Can I mix the liquid fish oil with anything to help make it more palatable to my child?

Yes try adding the fish oil to orange juice or lemonade to see if that helps mask the flavor. Alternatively you could try switching to the fish oil capsules or fish oil gummies.