Do we need to strictly avoid foods that contain omega 6 oils?

The most important aspect of omega-6 toxicity seems to be the relative imbalance between omega-3:omega-6 and not whether any particular food source contains any omega-6. We are trying to balance the 3 and 6 omega fatty acids because the average American is already consuming 20x’s the amount of omega-6 fatty acids they need. We restore this balance with the daily dose of fish oil which contains omega-3 fatty acids, as well as daily doses of olive oil which help burn off excessive omega-6 fatty acids in the body.

Is it necessary to continue restricting certain foods (gluten, casein) or follow specific diets (FODMAP, GAPS, Carbohydrate Specific) after starting The Nemechek Protocol?

No. Once the child has been started on inulin or rifaximin, continued restriction of foods is no longer necessary. Exceptions to this recommendation are severe food allergies such as peanuts, tree nuts or shellfish.

We have successfully been using the protocol for some time but recently we noticed a sudden decrease in my child’s focus and attention. Why is this happening?

There are a number of issues that can trigger a worsening of focus and attention. Some are obvious such as a concussion or an emotionally stressful event. The child will heal from these spontaneously. Other causes may go undetected by parents simply because the child is not able to communicate that they may be experiencing pain or discomfort. The physical stress from problems such as dental pain, sinus or ear infections, or severe seasonal allergies lead to a drop in brain blood pressure and worsen focus similar to ADD or ADHD. A visit to the dentist of pediatrician will often lead to resolution of the pain or infection and the focus problems will resolve.

Will the protocol help my child’s focus problems from attention deficit disorder (ADD, ADHD)?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol helps the brain repair itself. ADD, and ADHD are conditions caused by injuries to the nervous system that result in low brain blood pressure and oxygen delivery. As the brain repairs the damage, the blood and oxygen delivery improves, and the associated focus, attention, and hyperactivity will improve.

Can my child get FMT while on The Nemechek Protocol?

I do not recommend FMT (fecal microbiota therapy) in general. FMT has no direct effect on bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine nor on the primed M1-microglia within the brain. As such, FMT will predictably have minimal effect on the restoration of neuronal pruning, neuronal migration, and cellular repair. I do not recommend FMT to my pediatric patients. Many children under my care have received FMT and it did not seem to improve their pace of neurological recovery.

Is FMT recommended?

In studies of Clostridium difficle enterocolitis, frequent relapses of bacterial overgrowth occur when the individual’s intestinal gut microbiome has been depleted to about 70% of the natural bacterial species number. Treatment of this requires a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), commonly referred to as a human stool transplant. Most studies of FMT in patients with higher levels of biodiversity (>80%) seem to have little to no benefit. The majority of the biodiversity of studies in children with autism or developmental problems do not indicate severe depletion of biodiversity. Because of this, I do not recommend FMT. Many children under my care have received FMT and it did not seem to improve their pace of neurological recovery.

Will FMT (fecal transplant) prevent relapses?

It is important to mention that FMT (fecal microbiota therapy) has no direct effect on bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine nor on the primed M1-microglia within the brain. As such, FMT will predictably have minimal effect on the restoration of neuronal pruning, neuronal migration, and cellular repair. I do not recommend FMT to my pediatric patients. Many children under my care have received FMT and it did not seem to improve their pace of neurological recovery.

What are your thoughts on Fluoride?

I have nor reservation about the use of fluoride for dental health.

Why does fish oil make my child’s behaviors worse?

Adverse reactions such as worsening behaviors, new rash, or intestinal symptoms after taking fish oil are signs that the child may still have bacterial overgrowth. I generally stop the fish oil if this occurs and increase the potency of treatment for bacteria overgrowth (inulin-> monthly rifaximin or monthly rifaximin -> continuous rifaximin) and then reintroduce the fish oil a week or so later.

Can I use a fish oil with added vitamins?

No.  The addition of supplements such as glutamine, digestive enzymes, biofilm agents, or antifungal medications are not necessary for intestinal bacteria recovery from bacterial overgrowth or the absorption of fish oil.  An exception to this rule is the supplementation of iron or a particular vitamin by a medical physician in response to documented low levels.