My son grinds his teeth, and he often puts his hand on his chin and moves his jaw up and down. Will the Nemechek Protocol address this?

Yes, the protocol will help behaviors such as this to resolve.

How about Greek oils? As we already have an answer for Spanish oils.

My recommendations are the same for any country that produces olive oil. Purchase your olive oil from a smallish, producer and you can’t go wrong.

Can we use grapefruit seed extracts if rifaximin is not available?

Grapefruit seed extract is generally not potent enough to reverse SIBO enough to allow neurological recovery.

Do I need to be Gluten Free while on the protocol?

You do not need to restrict gluten unless your child has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.

I have been on the protocol for a while and gluten is still bothering me, does that mean that SIBO is not resolved?

Some studies suggest the symptoms of gluten intolerance seems to occur because of an abnormal inflammatory reaction against gluten. This inflammatory reaction may be the result of parasympathetic weakness of the autonomic nervous system and not directly related to leaky gut. If gluten intolerance continues, the addition of vagus nerve stimulation will improve parasympathetic control of inflammation and the reaction to gluten often greatly improves.

Where can I find the glutamine video and dosing information for glutamine?

You can find the video in the Parent Chat feature of the Navigator. Once you log in to the Parent Chat you can find the video in the forum titled “Dr. N’s Weekly Q&A Videos”. The dosing information is housed in the Dosing Charts.

How long does GERD take to resolve with inulin?

If GERD is triggered directly from bacterial overgrowth, inulin can stop or reduce GERD within a few days to weeks. If GERD is caused by autonomic nervous system dysfunction, inulin alone often will not help. Inflammation needs to be substantially reduced, requiring the complete protocol, and the GERD will then usually dissipate in a few months.

Can the protocol help my child if they have been diagnosed with a genetic abnormality?

The modern fact is that in the absence of chronic inflammation that prevents proper brain development and healing from injuries, the vast majority of children with autism and developmental issues should spontaneously recover from any neurological injury or insult they experience. Their neuronal repair and rejuvenation mechanisms should continue them on the path of normal neurological recovery. I think this optimism also applies to children who have a genetically-based diagnosis for their neurological challenges. I admit that a reduction of inflammation will not reverse the anatomical abnormalities some children display from their genetic disorder, but I have witnessed profound neurological improvements in these same children whose hope for any form of improvement or recovery was deemed impossible.

Will The Nemechek Protocol help children with a genetic disorder?

Dr. Nemechek cares for many children with a wide variety of genetic abnormalities. Very surprisingly, many of the children begin to report significant improvements in their neurological and motor deficits. Parents report these gains to be unusually fast compared to the child’s prior rate of gains with therapists.

Can the protocol help a child with autism and has gastrointestinal complications that lead to stomach ulcers and inflammatory colonic polyps?

The protocol shifts the intestinal bacteria towards a healthier balance and a reduction in intestinal, systemic, and central nervous system inflammation. Consequently, these effects often help a wide variety of intestinal conditions improve, if not completely, into remission.