What typically heals first with The Nemechek Protocol? What areas can I expect to see improvement in initially?

As inulin or rifaximin begin to normalize bacterial overgrowth in kids who are on the spectrum you can expect initial signs of improvement to be in the areas of awareness and engagement. This is due to the reduction of propionic acid and other potential psychoactive compounds which have a sedative effect on kids much like a medical sedative. As the level of propionic acid drops, children begin to show more awareness, improved eye contact and increased engagement with those around them. You may also see improvements in digestive issues, reversal of food intolerance or improvement in skin inflammation. nnSigns of neurological recovery can take longer to appear and can be more subtle as it can take up to 4 weeks for the oils to penetrate the brain and contribute to the reduction of inflammation. n

My child’s head banging has increased since starting protocol and I’m wondering will the injury from these head bangs stop his recovery?

Starting the protocol reduces the sedating effects of propionic acid and inflammation, which allow underlying negative behaviors (head banging, biting, scratching, yelling, hyperactivity) to become more intense. I advise parents that these behaviors often will improve within 4-8 weeks after starting the protocol.nnThe self-inflicted injuries will not, in my estimation, slow or stop the recovery. If the parents cannot protect the child, they should consider stopping the protocol and seek medical assistance about the behavioral problems.

How can I stop banging head regularly?

If a child’s level of aggression poses a danger to themselves (headbanging) or others (biting, punching, throwing objects, etc.), I will often start the child on the protocol, including continuous rifaximin plus a vagus nerve stimulator. My goal is to get the child’s aggression to decrease as soon as possible.nnI will also start them on fluticasone if there are any sinus symptoms and refer them for a thorough dental exam.

How can brain inflammation decrease if my child is injuring himself by banging his head frequently?

Most brain traumas will trigger a short-lived release of healthy, tissue-repairing inflammation. If a child is on the Nemechek Protocol, the excessive inflammation which contributes to autism and developmental delay will be suppressed. The healthy tissue-repairing inflammation from the injury will not impair further recovery. The neurological damage from the head traumas can slow the healing of symptoms from cumulative brain injury (aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity and constipation).

Does The Nemechek Protocol work for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol for Autonomic Recovery is designed to reduce elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the presence of abnormally primed M1- microglia. These 2 pathological processes prevent recovery from brain injury, interfere with neuronal/synaptic pruning, interfere with brain development in utero, and are a key feature of the neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS). It is capable of reversing a wide range of chronic neurological conditions (migraine and cluster headaches, chronic fatigue, generalized anxiety, depression/PTSD, ADD/ADHD) as well as intestinal disorders (heartburn, reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, etc.), and it’s potent anti-inflammatory effect substantially reduces symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, etc.)

Does the protocol fix bad breath?

I have had many patients report that the protocol has improved chronic bad breath (halitosis). Bad breath is often rooted in an unhealthy imbalance of bacteria within the mouth and the protocol can be effective at resolving the bad breath.

Can hair tissue mineral analysis help in determining the deficiencies in kids especially those with autism?

I do not believe hair analysis is necessary in managing autism. Autism is a chronic neurological inflammatory condition, not an issue with micronutrients.

Can the Nemechek Protocol heal or even reverse gum disease and gum recession?

Yes, it often can. Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine is associated with altered bacteria (dysbiosis) within the throat and mouth. Reversal of bacterial overgrowth usually improves the bacterial balance in the mouth. The result is healthier gums, stronger teeth, and fewer cavities.

My child is very small for their size. Can the protocol help them grow more normally?

There is some research suggesting that bacterial overgrowth of the small intestinal tract can interfere with the normal growth of a child in terms of height and weight. My clinical experience supports this research. I have seen many children who are small for their size experience 3-5 inch growth spurts in as little a 3-6 months.

Is it okay to give newborns gripe water or SIMETHICONE drops?

Generally, these are safe to use but I recommend discussing this with the child’s pediatrician.