What can help decrease hyperactivity? My son has been in the protocol for several months and I have not seen a decrease in his hyperactivity.

Suppose a child is improving on the protocol, but a single aspect of their behaviors is not improving like other behaviors. In that case, I recommend adding 5 minutes of vagus nerve stimulation per day to lower inflammation a little bit more. Doing so will help any remaining issues to start improving as well.

Is increased hyperactivity with increased inulin an indication of being too much? Or might it just take time to adjust to a higher dose?

It really depends on what prompted the increase in inulin.nnIf you increased inulin because you have just started the protocol and the recommended starting dose did not kickstart recovery, it is likely that the increase has now triggered awakening. Which means you should remain at this dose.nnIf you increased inulin after you experienced an awakening because you felt it was no longer working, then it is likely that you are seeing the impact of a dose that is too high. In the event that inulin stops working the recommendation is to move on to Rifaximin.

Will the hyperactivity and focus problems of ADHD is dealing with worsen during the first few months of the protocol?

Reversing bacterial overgrowth will lessen the sedating effects of propionic acid and inflammation and can sometimes cause a temporary (1-2 month) increase in hyperactivity. Generally, awareness, cognition, and focus tend to improve within a week or 2 of starting the protocol.

Why does my child seem constantly thirsty or hungry?

Persistent hunger, thirst as well as cravings for sugar and salt are common signs of low brain blood pressure from underlying autonomic nervous system dysfunction. The low blood pressure results in low brain oxygen levels which the brain does not like. The brain “learns” that sugar, salt and liquids will boost blood pressure and oxygen delivery to the brain, and increases the child’s cravings for these items.

How long should someone without autism be on the protocol ?

Regardless of diagnosis, I expect treatment is going to be for the next many years at least, and here’s why: The bacterial overgrowth in the intestine leads to the production of propionic acid (causes autistic behaviors- loss of eye contact, strange behaviors, suppression of cognition) and the leakage of LPS (a fragment of the ‘fish’ bacteria from the colon).nnLPS migrates to the brain and triggers a priming effect in microglia (white blood cells) within the brain. The primed microglia cause a permanent and long-lasting inflammatory response that prevents proper pruning (causes developmental delay) and brain repair (causes cumulative brain injury).nnStopping inulin or rifaximin will allow bacterial overgrowth to relapse and trigger a renewed increase in inflammation and the potential production of propionic acid. The reduction of olive oil and fish oil intake may lead to an increased inflammatory response within the brain from the primed microglia.

What is the effect of hormonal changes in children when they go through puberty if he/she is autistic child?

In general, I do not see any significant positive or negative effects beyond the natural physiological changes when an autistic child passes into puberty.

Will Manuka honey interfere with your protocol?

Occasional use of Manuka honey should not cause any problems.

Can I continue my child’s homeopathic remedy

I have found a wide variety of other supplements, herbals, etc., can prevent recovery and sometimes even cause children to lose recent gains dramatically. The brain is a very delicate environment, and the addition of many healthy-sounding nutrients might throw off the natural homeostasis required for the brain to recover. Other than the essential fish oil, olive oil, and inulin or rifaximin, I prescribe no other nutrients to my patients other than food.

Will homeopathy interfere with The Nemechek Protocol?

I have found a wide variety of other supplements, herbals, etc. may prevent recovery and at times may even cause the child to dramatically lose recent gains. The brain is a very delicate environment and the addition of a multitude of healthy sounding nutrients might actually just throw off the brain’s natural balance required for recovery. Other than fish oil, olive oil and inulin or rifaximin, I prescribe no other nutrients to my patients other than food.

How long does it take for a histamine reaction to fish oil to appear?

Believe or not, fish oil contains very little histamine.  Raw, poorly refrigerated fish (think sushi) is what has a lot of fish oil.