Can I use supplements or homeopathy boost immunity during flu season? Will that interfere with the Protocol?

There is no way to improve normal immunity. One can only improve immunity by reversing the conditions causing poor immune function. Improved nutrition, more sleep, and reduced inflammation are a few well-known methods to improve impaired immune function. Supplements such as Vitamin C and Zinc have no impact unless one is suffering from extreme malnutrition.

Can I still give vitamin C, zinc, and a multivitamin along with the protocol to boost the immune system?

There is no way to improve normal immunity. One can only improve immunity by reversing the conditions causing poor immune function. Improved nutrition, more sleep, and reduced inflammation are a few well-known methods to improve impaired immune function. Supplements such as Vitamin C, zinc, and multivitamins have no impact unless one suffers from extreme malnutrition.

My child is sick. Should I discontinue the protocol until they feel better?

I generally recommend continuing inulin and the oils during an illness but not if there are substantial intestinal issues. If the child is not hungry or experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, I recommend stopping the entire protocol until the child recovers.

I want to start the protocol but my child is currently sick. Should I wait until he is better to begin?

Yes, you might wait for them to recover from their illness before starting the protocol. This way you’ll be better able to fairly judge its effectiveness.

Will the protocol help prevent colds and illness?

While the protocol cannot prevent you from contacting germs and viruses, there is some evidence that SIBO can suppress immune function. Therefore, being on the protocol can improve your immune response when you come into contact with seasonal germs and viruses.

Can regular ibruprofen help further bring down inflammation in the brain?

Using anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen is not a safe nor effective treatment for inflammation within the brain.

Does hyperflexibilty (EDS) affect the recovery?

No, it does not.

Are hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) useful for neurological recovery in children?

Although HBOT has a potential place in treating adults with brain injuries and combat PTSD, I discourage its use in my pediatric patients for a few reasons. First, the primary four components of The Nemechek Protocol (balance intestine bacteria + fish oil + olive oil + vagus nerve stimulation) are usually all that is needed to help children recover. Secondly, it can be expensive, requires a significant time commitment every day, is not portable, and without it, subjects usually will begin to relapse. And finally, I’ve had many parents report their child seemed to do well during the first few weeks of HBOT, only to be followed by severe deterioration in their child’s behavior over the second and third months.

Why does hyperactivity increase after months on the protocol at stable doses?

Many issues can trigger a worsening of behaviors, such as hyperactivity, that will need to be addressed to get recovery back on track. Often these issues go undetected by parents simply because the child cannot communicate that they may be experiencing pain or discomfort. Things like dental, sinus, bladder, ear infections, or severe allergies can derail the recovery and significantly impact behaviors. nnThe increase in hyperactivity is not related to a relapse or a regression. When this occurs, it is often due to a drop in blood pressure to the child’s head from either pain (teeth?), emotional stress, or an infection (sinuses or middle ear). Please see the included checklist for common triggers.

My son has been on the protocol for several months, and he recently seems to be more hyperactive and anxious. Why is this?

If hyperactivity, anxiety, aggression, or agitation seem to start to increase inexplicably, there are a few thoughts one needs to entertain. If all aspects of recovery have stopped or are worsening, it suggests the protocol is not working, and attention should be directed at balancing the intestinal track more effectively. But other aspects of recovery are stable or continuing to improve. The increase in these negative behaviors is either from a recent trauma (physical, emotional, inflammatory), from an infection (sinus or dental issues?), or pain (teeth, abdominal cramping). An evaluation of these issues will lead you to the problem which needs resolving.