My child was diagnosed with intermittent lichen planus (white patch) on his tongue after starting rifaximin. Can rifaximin cause lichen planus?

Although lichen planus is associated with other inflammatory conditions, there is no reported association with the use of rifaximin. I have observed that the reversal of bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) by rifaximin seems to improve immune function. The improved immune function might make lichen planus more visually apparent, but this should not be confused with being the actual cause of lichen planus.nAs you may be aware, lichen planus can sometimes become cancerous, so regular examinations by an oral surgeon are strongly recommended.

Is there anything else other than probiotics that can interfere with the protocol?

In addition to probiotics, I tell my patients to eliminate digestive enzymes, unnecessary supplements, and foods that advertise themselves as a source of probiotics/supplements. I also advise my patients to limit their consumption of artificial sugars and omega-6 oils such as soy, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils.n

Can The Nemechek Protocol help with deficiencies in intelligence?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol will help many childhood issues because they all have similar origins, an overgrowth of intestinal bacteria and multiple mechanisms that fuel inflammation.

Is insulin the same as inulin?

No. Insulin is a diabetes medication and inulin is a prebiotic fiber. These are not the same at all and The Nemechek Protocol requires inulin not insulin for recovery.

Why does my child keep waking up at night?

Insomnia is a highly complex problem. By allowing the nervous system to recover, the protocol helps insomnia in the majority of cases. Occasionally I’ll recommend my patients try either a low dose of melatonin or diphenhydramine to help the child drift off to sleep more easily.

Is there any way to measure inflammation in order to direct treatment?

The ability to measure inflammation and use these measurements to guide therapy is still in its infancy and is presently not available.  

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a normal response by the immune system to fight infection or repair damaged tissues. Excessive inflammation can lead to damaging effects on the body.

Is it best to remove an infected tooth and have an implant, or is it better to get a root canal and keep the tooth already in place?

Get the tooth removed if a root canal does not control the infection.  It is safer to have a formal root canal or a dental implant than to have a mildly infected tooth contributing to low-grade systemic inflammation.

Why do some children have an increase in stimming, worse picky eating or now start covering their ears after starting the protocol?

A common scenario is that despite a child readily improving on the protocol, they seem to develop a new problem. Sometimes the problems can arise from an injury, and if this is the case, the problem will resolve within a few weeks. But sometimes, a new negative behavior (food aversion, stimming, cupping ears) can develop and not spontaneously resolve. nIn a developing child, what you are seeing is just a new level of awareness, reactivity, and sensory perception that did not exist in the child’s less developed state. Many parents will ask me, “But why?” My honest answer is, “I don’t know, but as long as other neurological areas continue to improve, the new negative behavior will also resolve if given more time.”nThe short answer is, don’t fret. This, too, will resolve.

Due to recent personal events, we’ve been inconsistent with giving our child the ingredients of the protocol. Is there a special way to restart the protocol? Confused how to start again.

Suppose, for whatever reason, the protocol has been interrupted. In that case, I advise my parents to use fish oil and olive oil doses appropriate for the child’s present age and to restart either the inulin or rifaximin that last seemed effective. Suppose there is a chance that inulin was ineffective because of inconsistent inulin dosing. In that case, I recommend restarting inulin even if they had already moved ahead and tried a few doses of rifaximin already.