Is there such a thing as a second awakening from Inulin?

The anxiety, aggression, and hyperactivity noted by parents are then mistakenly being called a “second awakening” when in fact it is often an abnormal reaction when too much inulin is given. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

Initially we saw an awakening but now it seems that the inulin has stopped working. Can I give more inulin?

Once the awakening occurs, the dose of inulin used is adequate because the sudden improvement in the child’s behavior is evidence that the bacteria have been suppressed. No further increases in inulin dosage are necessary if the awakening occurs. If at some point the inulin ceases to be effective then the recommendation is to move on to Rifaximin.

I am afraid to start inulin because I am worried about a rough Awakening. Is there any way I can avoid an awakening in my child?

Your concerns are valid because parents often find it challenging to witness their children struggle. Understanding WHY the Awakening can be disruptive can alleviate the worries because parents often view it as their child is regressing when it is just the first phase on the road to recovery. To get neurological recovery, we first need to “wake” your kids up from the sedating effects of propionic acid. We do that by eliminating bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Once the sedating propionic acid dissipates from their system, the true extent of the severity of their ANS dysfunction and neurological impairment is revealed. The children are not worse; they are finally awake and free of the chemical effects of propionic acid. Over the next 4-8 weeks, as inflammation continues to be lowered from the oils, things will improve, and your child will begin to recover.

What type of inulin do you prefer? And can I use other brands?

I prefer pure inulin powder for children. When buying powdered inulin, I recommend buying Nemechek Blue Organic Inulin or Inulin from NOW Foods. It is my experience that many other brands are much less effective than Nemechek Blue or the NOW Foods brand.

Should I increase inulin while taking an antibiotic for an infection?

I’ve never needed to change the inulin dose during or after antibiotics if the dose of inulin was effective prior to the antibiotics. Nemechek Blue Inulin can be purchased here at a 10% discount for members of the Nemechek Navigator.n

Can inulin worsen aggression?

The aggressive behavior is often from underlying damage to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). When damaged, the ANS is often unable to regulate the proper flow and pressure of blood and oxygen into the brain causing the child to feel unusually anxious, fearful, angry, and aggressive. Occasionally too much inulin seems to worse the blood flow and elevate the aggression. Reducing the dose of inulin will lessen the aggression or anxiety.n

Does inulin need to be replaced regularly once opened? I see a lot of people saying that it gets old and needs to be replaced every 3 months. Is that true?

I am aware that some people choose to replace inulin every three months, but it is not my recommendation. While inulin may lose its potency over time, I doubt it has lost any potency in just three months.

My 6 yr old is in NP for 4 months . Have seen awakening in 1/16 inulin and recommended oils but increased inulin 1/8 per chart . Didnt see my much improvement but a lot hyper activeness . Can I decrease the inulin to 1/16 again?

If smaller doses are required because of intolerance, any improvement suggests even the smaller dose might be adequate.

How should I deal with an intestinal infection?

When it comes to infections, I always recommend following the advice of the child’s pediatrician or other medical specialists.

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