My child seems to be FODMAP sensitive (so no onion, garlic etc.). Can he still take Inulin?

FODMAP sensitivity is evidence of bacterial overgrowth, and inulin helps reverse bacterial overgrowth. I believe the benefits that occur after starting any diet that restricts carbohydrates (GAPS, FODMAPS, Feingold, gluten, casein, etc.) is from a relative, non-specific decrease in the overall bacterial load within the gut. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

I know inulin, fish oil and olive oil are a potent and effective combination. But what do each of the three supplements do independent on their own?

Inulin (and Rifaximin) rebalances the gut bacteria. Excessive gut bacteria creates an overgrowth that allows fragments of bacterial cell membrane called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to leak into the bloodstream, trigger widespread inflammation and trigger the formation of inflammatory primed-microglia within the brain. Fish oil helps reduce inflammation throughout the body and reduces the inflammatory behavior of primed microglia. Olive oil blocks the inflammatory effect of omega-6 oils that are so prevalent in our modern diets.

How do I determine if my dose of inulin is effective?

Reversal of bacterial overgrowth with inulin will lead to a drop in propionic acid and often results in what I refer to as the awakening, especially in younger patients. The awakening occurs within the first 1-2 weeks and is manifested by the children showing more eye contact, more alertness, more engagement, and possibly even more stimming or insomnia. Once the awakening occurs, the dose of inulin used is adequate because the sudden improvement in the child’s behavior is evidence that the bacteria have been suppressed. No further increases in inulin dosage are necessary if the awakening occurs. If the initial dose of inulin does not trigger an “awakening” (more engaged, better eye contact, more aware of the world around them) then you may need to increase inulin slowly but do not exceed the ½ tsp dose. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

How soon should I increase the inulin dosage after starting?

The sole purpose of The Nemechek Protocol is to lower excessive inflammation. Only once inflammation is lowered can the brain shift into repair mode and recovery begins. Inulin is just one way that we achieve this and the fish oil and olive oil each provide further reduction via different mechanisms. The oils however, can take up to 6 weeks to fully start working so when starting the protocol you need to wait 6-8 weeks to effectively assess if 1/8th tsp of inulin is sufficient. If it is not and you see no noticeable changes you can try to increase by 1/8th tsp. If it is there is no need to increase further and if/when the dose of inulin ceases to be effective you will need to switch to Rifaximin. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

Does inulin cause die-off?

Inulin causes a fermentation effect that simply causes the bacteria to migrate further back down towards the colon and does not cause die-off.

Where can I buy Nemechek-approved inulin?

Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

I have noticed gas and bloating since starting inulin is this normal?

Although harmless, increase flatulence is a sign that you are probably giving your child a little too. much inulin. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

Does inulin feed bad bacteria or yeast?

No, inulin does not feed “bad bacteria” or yeast. The misrepresentations that increased stimming, less sleeping, or increased anxiety is from inulin feeding “bad” bacteria have been concerns of parents in the past. These symptoms are often because the dose of inulin is too high. The behaviors commonly attributed to yeast are actually evidence of SIBO and ANS dysfunction, and this protocol will resolve those issues. Oral antifungals and other yeast treatments may interfere with the protocol and should be avoided unless prescribed by a physician. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

What is the earliest age I can give inulin?

Inulin can be used safely in children as young as a few months. As always, I recommend that you speak to your child’s pediatrician before starting. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

If the child is already self aware and aware of everything going around him, why should we need inulin?

Balancing the intestinal bacteria with either inulin or rifaximin is required to lower inflammation enough to allow the nervous system to recover. 20-30% of adults with bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine have no demonstrable intestinal symptoms. I believe the same can be said of children.