Does fish oil increase the risk of bleeding?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the clotting effects of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Fish oil does not “thin the blood” per se; it prevents the formation of abnormal clots (often from increased levels of inflammation). Likewise, individuals who normally form blood clots, do not bleed more often when eating lots of fish or consuming lots of fish oil (e.g., Inuit). There is no evidence that giving omega-3 fatty acids to a child increases their risk of bleeding.

Beyond fish oil, olive oil, balancing the intestinal tract with inulin or rifaximin and using vagus nerve stimulation, are additional therapies ever required?

If neurological recovery slows or comes to a halt and you’ve assessed things such as inulin failure, the solution is not to add another therapy but to look for a new source of physical (infection, dental pain, injury) or mental stress (home stress, displeasure with therapy or therapists, a change in school) as a cause of the decline in progress. It is very rare that some other form of therapy might ever be necessary.

How do we know if therapy (ABA, speech, occupational) is giving us gains or it’s the protocol?

Sometimes it’s difficult to determine if traditional therapies (ABA, occupational, speech, physical) provide the observed gains or if the gains are from the protocol alone. I do not believe therapies are necessary for recovery when using my protocol. I have observed many children regain speech, begin to socialize, improve motor function and attain emotional regulation without supportive therapy. And surprisingly, I have seen many cases in which traditional ABA therapy was slowing and a few instances preventing any recovery whatsoever!

Do I need other therapies (ABA, OT, PT, Speech Therapy) along with the Protocol?

Therapies such as ABA, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech all can contribute to the developmental growth of children, and all can help children recover if they are on the Protocol. That being said, I’ve had many children realize very significant developmental gains without the assistance of many of these therapies. In addition, there have been cases where these therapies can inhibit a child’s recovery.nnIf your child enjoys the interaction with the therapist and there are noticeable gains, I advise parents to continue with the therapy. If the child does not enjoy the sessions or seems distressed that they have to go to therapy, I would consider either changing the therapist or therapy environment or stopping it altogether.

Is testing for bacterial overgrowth, propionic acid, or types of bacteria in stools useful?

Although intriguing, medical science is nowhere close to understanding either how to do these tests accurately, nor do we understand the results in such a way that we could use the results to improve the treatment response in the child.

Telli, what is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is to find your purpose. The purpose of life is to give it away. – Pablo Picasso

Telli, why do you work so hard?

In the words of my good friend, Ringo Starr, “I only work for love, not money.”n

Does Telli have a girlfriend?

Yes, and her name is Jean 🙂

What is the difference between MTBI and mTBI?

MTBI stands for Major Traumatic Brain Injury that is associated with bleeding within the brain. Whereas mTBI stands for minor Traumatic Brain Injury and and refers to injuries commonly called is concussions and which do not have bleeding in the brain.

What is TBI?

TBI stands for Traumatic Brain Injury and is used in a general sense for a physical injury to the head and results in symptoms lasting more than 24 hours. See mTBI and MTBI.