Should I start my child with Inulin or Rifaximin?

Choosing Between Inulin versus Rifaximinn• If under 8 years of age, I use inulin to balance intestine bacterian• If between 8-14 years old, I may start with either inulin or rifaximinn• If 15 years of age or older, I recommend starting with rifaximinnI recommend starting with inulin in young children because it is often effective, safe, inexpensive, and does not require a prescription to obtain. Inulin is widely available from several manufacturers. Inulin is also appealing as a natural fiber that many parents prefer who are understandably fearful of using any more antibiotics.

Will everyone eventually need Rifaximin or can some kids stay on inulin long-term?

As children age, the inulin becomes less and less effective at controlling bacterial overgrowth. I believe this is due to the natural maturation of the intestinal bacteria as children mature into adulthood. So yes, I believe as children become adults they will eventually require rifaximin.

Can I use inulin between rounds of Rifaximin to prevent relapses?

No. The addition of inulin between rounds will not prevent relapses. I only utilize inulin in conjunction with Rifaximin in a small percent of cases where further inflammation reduction is required.

What is the difference between inulin and Rifaximin?

Inulin is a fiber that feeds bacteria which makes mild acid and this causes invading bacteria from the colon to retreat. Rifaximin is an antibiotic and seems to clear the overgrowth bacteria within the small intestine directly.

Once a child is shifted from inulin to rifaximin, can the child go back and use inulin again?

If a child’s protocol shifts from inulin to rifaximin because the inulin no longer helped control bacterial overgrowth, then shifting back to inulin is generally not be helpful. But if the change to rifaximin was done incorrectly and there still may be a chance the inulin will be effective, then yes, you can shift back to inulin.

How soon should I see results from inulin?

The entire goal of The Nemechek Protocol is to lower excessive inflammation. Because only once inflammation is lowered and maintained can the brain shift into repair mode, and recovery begins. Inulin is just one way to lower inflammation, and fish oil and olive oil provide further reduction via different mechanisms. The oils, however, can take up to 6 weeks to fully start working, so you need to give it at least 6-8 weeks, in some cases, for neurological recovery to commence. Continued improvements in neurological development will begin to occur at an increased pace over the following three-six months.

I started with inulin powder a few days ago and see mild rashes on my child. Should this go away or should I stop Inulin?n

Stop the treatment, wait for the symptom to clear, and restart the treatment to see if the same symptoms return. A surprising number of times it does not.

Is a prebiotic the same as a probiotic?

Prebiotic fibers are quite different from probiotic bacteria. Inulin is not a probiotic and inulin should not be used with a probiotic. All of my patients are instructed to immediately stop the use of all probiotics before starting The Nemechek Protocol.

What is Inulin?

Inulin is a safe over-the-counter (OTC) prebiotic fiber that comes from a variety of natural plant sources and produces enough bacterial rebalancing, propionic acid reduction, and inflammation reduction to allow a child to become more alert and restart the process of neuronal pruning and development. Inulin derived from blue agave, chicory root, and Jerusalem artichoke are all acceptable forms of inulin. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

My child is on inulin and has stopped improving. What should I do?

It sounds like a Plateau in recovery. If I think the patient has plateaued, the first thing I do is to look for any new factors that might disrupt intestinal balance or cause new brain trauma. This could be a new supplement or probiotic that has been introduced, a significant new trauma (physical, emotional, or inflammatory), or a new chronic infection such as low-grade sinusitis or a dental infection. If present, address these issues first before assuming the inulin is no longer working.nnWhen the plateau does occur, I have my patients stop using any supplements, herbal remedies, chelation agents, homeopathic products, or probiotics if they have recently been added. We also treat any potential infections that might exist. Recovery should begin within a couple of weeks after eliminating the offending event or after the physical or emotional trauma.