Why does inulin fail?

The primary reason inulin fails to control bacteria overgrowth is that the bacteria overgrowing is not sensitive to the acidification prebiotic effects of inulin.

What causes Inulin Failure? n

I am not sure why inulin failure occurs. Still, I speculate that a different species of bacteria that is unresponsive to the prebiotic effects of inulin now inhabits the small intestine. nAs children age, the inulin becomes less and less effective at controlling bacterial overgrowth. I believe this is due to the natural maturation of the intestinal bacteria as children mature into adulthood. We are not just trying to suppress “gut bacteria” as a singular entity; we need to suppress and balance over a thousand distinct species within the large intestine, all of which have unique characteristics.nThe species of bacteria that tend to overgrow in the small intestine of a younger child (let us call them species A) may tend to be more sensitive to the prebiotic effects of inulin.  As a result, inulin is more effective in younger children.

How do I know if my child is experiencing Inulin Failure?

If there has been no substantial increase in recovery over a 2-3 months despite taking inulin and there is no interference from probiotics, antibiotics, supplements, or a chronic illness, the child has experienced inulin failure.

How do I know if my inulin dose is too high or too low?

Simply follow the inulin dosing instructions from my book. A dose of inulin that is too high can impact cerebral blood pressure and trigger issues such as excessive hyperactivity, anxiety, agitation, and extreme thirst or hunger. An inulin dose that is lower than I suggest might not be effective. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

Can inulin worsen Stimming?

If there seems to be excessive stimming after starting the inulin, I will recommend decreasing the inulin dose by an 1/8-1/4 of a tsp per day and see if things improve. It can sometimes take a week or two before the dosage reduction results in improved behaviors.

How does inulin work?

Inulin promotes the growth of natural, healthy bacteria within the small intestine while suppressing the overgrowth of colonic bacteria which are growing abnormally within the small intestine.

How do I administer inulin?

Inulin powder is odorless and has a slightly sweet taste. Inulin powder may be taken with or without food and it may be mixed with hot or cold liquids of solids. Inulin is the only prebiotic fiber that I use with my patients. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

What are some of the side effects of inulin?

Side effects of inulin generally occur in the digestive system. Some people may experience stomach pain and gas if they consume too much inulin. Less common side effects may include nausea and/or diarrhea.

How long can I use a bottle of inulin before discarding?

If inulin is kept in a cool, dry place, I imagine it would be good for 6 months or so.

I read a study that said that inulin can cause liver cancer. Should I be concerned about using it long term?

I am aware of the study, and I am not concerned about the long-term impact of inulin in children. Inulin is present in onions, garlic, bananas, and other foods, and a large portion of the world’s population has been consuming inulin for thousands of years without any ill effect. Many studies have demonstrated its effectiveness and safety even in small newborn children.