Since starting the protocol my child is chewing on everything. Why?

The increase in chewing is part of the underlying developmental issues and anxiousness that becomes more apparent after the propionic acid levels are suppressed during awakening. Some will describe persistent chewing as “sensory-seeking.” Regards less of its exact origin, this typically resolves on its own as the child recovers using the protocol.

For the past few weeks my child has started to put her fingers in her mouth constantly, licking things and playing with her saliva. Why is that?

After the awakening period, many children will have an emotional/developmental age much younger than their chronological age. So yes, I’ve seen this many times before. It’s important to try to gauge your child’s emotional age and reset your expectations for that age. Allow them to work through the levels of normal development. This approach helps put their behaviors into context and allows the parent to align expectations with the emotional ability of the child. Some parents will over-focus on a smaller issue (constipation, bowel movement characteristics, giggling more, waking up earlier, holding hands over ears, moodiness, etc.) and interpret such an event as bad or negative instead of a phase in healing. Parents want their children to talk, but the lack of rapid speech improvement is also not an indication that balancing of the intestinal tract failed. Over-focusing in this manner may cause a parent to miss the bigger picture: this is just one step in the child’s gradual improvement.

Can leucovorin be used with the protocol?

Medications and supplements such as leucovorin, iron or Vitamin D are allowed with the protocol when they are prescribed by a physician and used to address a deficinecy.

Does this protocol work for Learning Disabilities?

Yes. The protocol seems to be very effective for most learning disabilities.

Can yeast, Candida, parasites, protozoa or archaebacterium cause leaky gut?

No. Of all the types of organisms that live within the intestinal tract, it is believed that only bacteria are capable of causing a leaky gut.

How long does it take leaky gut to resolve?

The leaky gut generally heals within 2-3 weeks after the excessive bacteria within the small intestine have been reduced by inulin or rifaximin.

How does leaky gut increase inflammation?

The tissue surrounding the small intestine contains approximately eighty percent of all white blood cells within the body. The leakage of bacterial cell wall fragments (LPS) and food molecules through the barrier surrounding the small intestine will contact these cells. The non-human molecules will be identified as foreign, potentially harmful substances by the white blood cells. As a result, it will trigger an inflammatory reaction releasing inflammatory chemicals into the bloodstream.

What is bacterial translocation?

Bacterial translocation is the medical term for leaky gut.

What is Leaky Gut?

The excessive numbers of bacteria in the small intestine overwhelm its ability to properly contain its contents and small fragments of bacteria and food molecules leak into the surrounding tissue. The failure to contain the contents is scientifically known as bacterial translocation but is more generally referred to as “leaky gut.”

Why does my child want to lay down all the time?

Children with autism often have difficulty regulating blood pressure, and as a consequence, their brains will not receive enough oxygen because of low blood pressure. The brain discovers that laying flat or even slightly upside down will improve brain blood pressure and oxygen delivery to compensate for the problem.nnThe brain then essentially “commands” the child to lay flat, hang their head off the edge of the bed, or even perform a headstand to eliminate the stress of gravity, which increases brain blood pressure and oxygen delivery.