What if I see no signs of improvement in the first month or so?

As a rule, I wait 3 months before deciding whether any particular regimen is effective.

I am not observing any gains despite recommended products and the right doses. What should I do?

There are a number of ways to “bump it up” if what you are currently doing is not getting recovery. Some strategies are moving on from inulin to monthly Rifaximin, increasing from monthly to continuous Rifaximin, and/or adding vagus nerve stimulation. These concepts are all covered in depth in the updated version of book, as well as in some of the videos here in the Navigator, which should give you a sense of what the next steps are based on whatever your current situation is. n

No changes and gains observed after a few months in the protocol with recommended products and right doses.

Suppose there are no changes after starting the protocol with inulin at the recommended starting dose of 1/8th tsp. If so, I recommend parents increase inulin by another 1/8th tsp (1/4 tsp total), which will hopefully start recovery. nnIf they are already using 1/4 tsp of inulin, I advise them to switch from inulin to Rifaximin.

I recently started the protocol but don’t see any improvements in my child. Should I worry?

Most gains in a child do not begin until they have been on the protocol for 6-8 weeks. Additionally, if bacterial overgrowth in a child produces propionic acid, then there is often an awakening of behaviors within the first few days to weeks. If the bacteria do not produce propionic acid, there will be no awakening early on, and you’ll need to wait 6-8 weeks to see changes.

I am not sure if my kid had awakening so how do I know if the slow improvement I am seeing is natural or due to other therapies?

It is important to note that not all children will experience an awakening and the absence of an awakening does not indicate that the protocol isn’t working. It is also important to recognize that neurological recovery is a slow process that often results in slow, subtle and steady success. Additionally, many times these therapies and my protocol are complementary; both can increase gains. As long as your child is progressing and moving forward it seems irrelevant to determine how much each is contributing and the focus should be on continuing forward and maintaining progress.

I like to know if inulin should be given to newborns for reflux issues?

Inulin can be safely used in infants for digestive issues. If beneficial, improvement would typically be noted within 1-2 weeks.

Can a child gain socialization skills similar to their neurotypical peers with this protocol?

Yes, we very often have parents report their child has not only lost all their various autism and delay diagnoses but also seems to be functioning socially at a level equal to their peers.

What is Neuroplasticity?

The process through which the brain develops new neuronal pathways to perform certain tasks.

What is a Neuron?

A neuron is a cell within the brain that carries or stores neurological information.

What is The Nemechek Protocol?

The Nemechek Protocol is a medical treatment program invented by Dr. Patrick M. Nemechek, D.O. relating to methods for preventing, reducing, or reversing acute and/or chronic autonomic damage by the suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines which is useful in treating a variety of diseases or conditions (U.S. Patent No. 10,335,356).