Can I buy oil with the NAOOA certification?

The vast majority of olive oil certifications are more of a pledge by the manufacturer, and some have a taste (sensory) certification. As a scientist, I need more assurance than this. I recommend consuming olive oils that are certified by the California Olive Oil Council (COOC). COOC-certification is the only approval within the U.S. that includes mandatory chemical analysis of the oil by third-party laboratories, and their standards are among the strictest worldwide. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Can I use light or mild extra virgin olive oil?

Light and extra light olive oils are the lowest grade of olive oil available. They’re called “light” because they’re light in color, not low in calories. They are mild because they contain very little oleocanthal, which gives olive oil that robust and peppery flavor. These oils are often mixed with vegetable oil and should be avoided.  Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Giving my child olive oil seems to trigger unwanted behaviors. Does that mean I should skip the olive oil and just use the inulin and fish oil?

If when you begin the protocol, you observe a worsening of behaviors when you administer the fish oil or olive oil, it would indicate that “leaky gut” has not resolved. The tissue surrounding the small intestine contains approximately 80% of all white blood cells within the body, and the leakage of bacterial cell wall fragments (LPS) and food molecules are viewed as foreign to the white blood cells and result in a large inflammatory reaction releasing inflammatory chemicals into the bloodstream. The inflammatory effects from leaky gut generally resolve in a few weeks once you start inulin. If this persists beyond a few weeks, I consider it an indicator that bacterial overgrowth has not resolved, and I recommend moving on to Rifaximin.

Can a higher phenol count in an olive oil improve recovery? Will I see improvements if I get a COOC olive oil with higher phenols?

Generally speaking, if recovery is not doing well or is lacking progress it indicates that bacterial overgrowth is not being managed effectively and you may need to consider moving from inulin to monthly rifaximin or monthly to continuous rifaximin to improve recovery. nnIf the COOC certified olive oil that you are using contains sufficient phenols (greater than 200 mg/kgs) then it is more than likely not the issue. If you are using a COOC certified oil with a low phenol count, I recommend upgrading to one that is greater than 200 mgs/kgs which is considered within the health-promoting range.

I kept my olive oil in the fridge and now it has clumps in it. Is it still safe to use?

Yes, it is perfectly safe. Refrigerated olive oil will solidify and turn cloudy at cold temperatures. This does not alter the health benefits or nutritional value of the oil. Returning the olive oil to room temperature for a short time restores its liquid texture and color. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Are products that state “made with olive oil” on the label good choices?

I advise my patients to avoid processed foods that list olive oil on the ingredients list due to the high probability that the olive oil used is fraudulent. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

What does EVOO stand for?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil. EVOO is the highest quality of olive oil and contains a high concentration of omega-9 fatty acid called oleic acid which protects the body from the inflammatory effects of omega-6 cooking oils such as soy oil, corn oil. safflower oil and sunflower oil. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Can the olive oil dose be split up over the course of the day?

The olive oil may be taken as a single dose or split into 2 doses. Fewer doses a day are generally easier but choosing a dosing schedule that best works for your family is most important and encourages it to become routine. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

What are the doses of olive oil? And when should I increase the olive oil dosage?

The dose of olive oil is based on age and only needs to be increased every few years as they advance into the next age bracket. Please see the dosing chart on the left side bar for reference. nnNemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Does olive oil cause diarrhea or loose stool?

Sometimes individuals can experience loose stools that can occur when first starting olive oil. This is often due to their intestinal tract not being able to absorb the sudden increase of oil being ingested or from malabsorption from bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine. If loose stools occur, I will have my patients stop their olive oil for a few weeks to allow the inulin or rifaximin to rebalance the bacteria and give their intestinal tract a chance to repair itself. Then after a few weeks, my patients can restart their olive oil at a 1/4 of the full dose, and increase up to full dose over a few weeks.