What is the difference between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Omega-6 Fatty Acids?

Omega-6 fatty acids are natural chemicals found in plants and are required to activate healthy levels of inflammation to repair tissue or fight infection in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are natural chemicals found in plants and animal flesh and act as a counterbalance to help turn off inflammation after it is no longer necessary. nnUnfortunately, our modern food supply contains an excessive amount of inflammation-promoting omega-6 fatty acids and deficient amounts of inflammation extinguishing omega-3 fatty acids, which is why The Nemechek Protocol requires a daily dose of fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids) and a reduction of vegetable oils (omega-6 fatty acids)

Are the omega-3 fatty acids destroyed if I cook above a certain temperature?

Omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids are not destroyed using common cooking temperatures.

Can another form of omega-3 (EPA or ALA) substitute for the DHA from fish?

No. Other forms of omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax oil (ALA), do not readily penetrate the central nervous system and do not have the same impact on inflammation or microglia function as DHA.

What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

These nutrients are unsaturated fatty acids and are important for normal metabolism. They are classified as an essential nutrient because humans are unable to synthesize omega-3 fatty acids and require them in their diet in order to remain healthy.

I am worried about weight gain and wondering if I can skip the olive oil part of the protocol?

There is no need to skip the EVOO because research shows that EVOO helps people feel full after a meal, which allows people to control their weight. This full feeling is associated with a derivative of oleic acid called OEA (Oleoiletanolamide).nnResearch also suggests that ingesting dietary fat stimulates epithelial cells of the small intestine and releases the OEA. Upon release, it engages sensory fibers of the vagus nerve to diminish food intake. The vagus nerve is the autonomic nervous system’s main nerve.nnThe absorptive epithelium of the small intestine converts the oleic acid contained within the olive oil in to OEA. OEA acts with receptors causing the feeling of satiety which affects meal size and reduces feeding frequency. In other words, daily consumption of EVOO can aid weight loss and improve metabolism.

Is there a limit for taking olive oil and any adverse effects from taking too much olive oil?

Olive oil is very safe. The average intake of EVOO in the Mediterranean is much higher than the amounts I recommend for my patients and have been proven very safe and healthy. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

How should I store olive oil or fish oil?

The primary deteriorating factors for fish oil and olive oil are sunlight and oxygen. Both are commonly stored in dark glass containers to block some light, but a typical bottle does little to prevent oxygen from entering the bottle every time the oil is poured out of the bottle.nnRefrigeration helps to limit oxidation damage to the oils. Unfortunately, refrigerating olive oil often makes it so thick it cannot be poured out of the bottle. Fish oil capsules are not required to be refrigerated because the oil is protected from oxygen by the gelatin capsule.nnNemechek Gold olive oil is stored in a pouch that prevents all light from damaging the oil, and all oxygen is removed from the container during the filling process. Oil is dispensed through a spout, and the self-collapsing nature of the bag prevents oxygen from entering the pouch.nnThe pouch design for Nemechek Gold is the best method to store olive oil.

What happens if I stop the olive oil?

Stopping the olive oil will result in a rise of inflammation and will not only stop the recovery process but will lead to the return of underlying brain trauma symptoms such as constipation, hyperactivity, anxiety and poor focus. Nemechek Gold COOC certified oil can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Are there any side effects to consuming olive oil?

Olive oil is very safe for routine consumption. Consuming too much at one time might cause some digestive issues in adults but I believe this is not the case in children since we are using such small daily doses.

My child is very sensitive to salicylate and olive oil is ranked very high in the salicylate food chart. Can I still do this protocol?

Most of the intolerance parents see in their children is directly from a reaction of the overgrown bacteria with the food or leakage of nutrient macromolecules into the immune tissue surrounding the small intestine. After reversing bacterial overgrowth with either inulin or rifaximin, the gut heals within 2-3 weeks, and the leaky gut phenomenon halts. I’ve had many patients tolerate foods previously intolerant when eaten or listed as such on these types of sensitivity tests.