What is Palmitic Acid?

This nutrient is the most common saturated fatty acid found in animals, plants, and microorganisms. It is used in processed foods in replace of cooking shortening. Excessive amounts in the diets of humans results in increase inflammation within the brain.

I want to know if it is safe for a person with a pacemaker to use the tVNS?

Yes, it is generally safe, but I always recommend getting clearance from your cardiologist first.

My son had some oxygen loss at birth could this be a reason for his autism and not bacterial overgrowth?

Oxygen loss at birth leads to either cerebral palsy or a stroke. These problems are very different issues from autism. It is possible to have autism and a complication from lack of oxygen.

Can I use other medications along with the protocol?

Yes. Prescription medications do not interfere with The Nemechek Protocol. If you have any specific concerns, ask your physician.n

How do you know if SIBO is caused by bacteria from the oropharynx (mouth and throat)?

Regarding children, we presently do not have evidence that bacteria from the oropharynx can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO). There is only evidence that this can occur in adults.nnDetermining what type of bacteria is overgrowing within the small intestine can be determined only through a very specialized form of upper endoscopy (EGD) available only in the research environment. Tests examining blood or stool can not provide this type of information.

My child is having orange oil in their stool when they go to the bathroom. What is causing this?

Orange oil in the stool is a sign the child is not fully absorbing the fish oil. I recommend stopping the oil for a few days until the oil in the stool stops and then restarting but maybe at a slightly lower dose of the same dose but split into two doses of 1/2 each.

What are Omega-9 Fatty Acids?

These are unsaturated fatty acids and are not essential nutrients. Oleic acid found within olive oil is one example of an omega-9 fatty acid.

What are Omega-6 Fatty Acids?

Omega-6 fatty acids are natural chemicals found in plants and are required to activate healthy levels of inflammation to repair tissue or fight infection in the body. An excessive amount of the omega-6 fatty acid chemical called linoleic acid is present in the food supply in the form of vegetable oils, shortening, and the meat from animals who are fed grains such as corn or soybeans.

What do you mean when you say we need to fix the Omega-3 & Omega-6 imbalance?

Improving the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is also required to allow the brain to recover.  Omega-6 fatty acids are natural chemicals found in plants and are required to activate healthy levels of inflammation to repair tissue or fight infection in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are natural chemicals found in plants and animal flesh and act as a counterbalance to help turn off inflammation after it is no longer necessary. nnUnfortunately, our modern food supply contains excessive inflammation-promoting omega-6 fatty acids and deficient amounts of inflammation extinguishing omega-3 fatty acids.  This imbalance is another source of inflammation that contributes to ongoing ANS dysfunction. nnWe resolve this imbalance and reduce inflammation by increasing our omega-3 (fish oi) consumption and by reducing our consumption of omega-6 oils. The addition of Olive Oil (omega-9) also protects against omega-6 oils.

Can I take an omega 3-6-9 product?

We are trying to balance the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids ratio by increasing Omega-3 and decreasing Omega-6 consumption. The excessive amount of dietary Omega-6 fatty acids being consumed are part of the problem with inflammation. I do not recommend the 3,6,9 balance blends since it contains additional Omega-6 fatty acids..