Can I take Olive Oil while pregnant?

Yes, high intakes of olive oil during pregnancy are typical in many parts of the world. Supplementation with extra virgin olive oil is critical to reducing the inflammatory state of the mother even further during pregnancy. Extra virgin olive oil contains high amounts of an omega-9 fatty acid called oleic acid that reverses the inflammatory damage caused by excessive dietary omega-6 fatty acid intake and saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid.

How much fish oil should I take while pregnant?

I typically recommend that the expectant mothers under my care supplement with 2,000-3,000 mg of fish oil per day. High intakes of fish and olive oil are routine in many regions of the Mediterranean and as a natural consequence are known to be safe during pregnancy. book – Pregnant women should not take a high-concentration DHA fish oil. The predominant intake of omega-3 fatty acids during evolution from fish had much more EPA than DHA. Although uncertain if biologically important, a relatively higher EPA concentration of fish oil should be consumed during pregnancy to help mimic our evolutionary exposure. Always inform your physician when supplementing with any product during your pregnancy.

Can I take fish oil while pregnant?

Yes, you can. During pregnancy, the mother transfers half of her omega-3 fatty acid stores to her child during the third trimester. This transfer provides the child with enough omega-3 fatty acids required for normal neurological development during their first year of life. The enormous transfer of a micronutrient signifies how vital omega-3 fatty acids are to healthy development.nnIf the mother’s diet is low in omega-3 fatty acids and high in inflammation-causing omega-6 fatty acids, the child may experience a similar imbalance of omega fatty acids during the third-trimester transfer. The omega fatty acid imbalance will further increase the inflammatory cytokine level within the mother and child and may further impair normal brain development in the child.nnAlways consult with your physician when supplementing with any product during your pregnancy.

How soon can I start my infant on The Nemechek Protocol to prevent issues?

If there is any suspicion of bacterial overgrowth in the mother or older siblings (since they would also be colonized with the mother’s bacterial blend of my patient, the younger sibling), I generally do not recommend supplementing the newborn infant with inulin unless there are obvious intestine issues, and only after notifying the infant’s pediatrician. I would start with very small doses of 1/64 or less of powdered inulin fiber daily. Fish oil and olive oil are not required since the additional omega fatty acids required from each will be provided through the mother’s breast milk as long as she is taking each. When the child is old enough to eat regular food, I recommend they be supplemented in addition with fish oil and that their food is cooked in COOC-certified extra virgin olive oil to protect them from toxic omega-6 fatty acids that will inevitably seep into their diet.

I am thinking about having a baby. Should I start The Nemechek Protocol before I get pregnant?

I recommend that my female patients who consider becoming pregnant work towards normalizing their body’s inflammatory status many months before they plan to conceive. The Nemechek Protocol® for Autonomic Recovery (for adults) reduces a person’s excessive levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which in turn improves autonomic nervous system function. Reducing overall inflammation before pregnancy may improve fertility rates and limit complications such as pre-eclampsia and miscarriage. Supplementing fish oil and olive oil can also increase the mother’s neurological resilience against the intense physical and psychological stressors accompanying the delivery. nWaiting until a woman becomes pregnant before starting the process of inflammation reduction is not a good strategy. It may take three or more months to lower inflammatory cytokines substantially. It’s crucial to remember, rifaximin and vagus nerve stimulation are prohibited from use during pregnancy.nSpeak with your physician if you have any difficulties or medical questions during your pregnancy.

Can we give other types of prebiotics along with inulin to improve gut health?

No, this is not necessary nor advisable. I prefer my patients avoid adding any additional fibers, supplements, or vitamins when under my care. I have tried other prebiotic fibers but none of them was able to produce the results that inulin did.

What is a Prebiotic?

A form of dietary fiber that induces the growth or activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria. The most common example is inulin which helps restore the normal balance of intestinal bacteria, especially among children.

Are the ingredients (fish oil, olive oil and inulin) okay to be stored pre-mixed?

I think pre-mixing the FO, EVOO, and inulin for a few days should not affect their potency.

My child had learned how to use the potty but now seems to have forgotten how. What causes this and what should I do about it?

When a child loses a skill such as being potty-trained, I look for an emotional or physical stressor as these can trigger anxiety or aggression that make it hard for the child to remember how to use the bathroom. Many stressors are quite obvious, but low-grade sinus infections or unrecognized dental problems are very common causes.

When should I start potty training my child?

There are a number of cues and clues that indicate that your child is ready to start potty training. Your child may start showing an interest in other family members potty time. Or they show physical signs that they themselves are “going potty.” Other physical indicators of readiness might be that your child’s bowel movements become more predictable in timing or they are showing more coordination in undressing or are exerting more independence. Using positive reinforcements and practicing a calm state of mind about accidents will help maintain a safe, positive attitude about mastering this skill. n