Can I use Pro Omega from Nordic Naturals?

Yes. Nordic Naturals Pro Omega has the identical amount of omega-3 fatty acids as does Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega. Approved products for The Nemechek Protocol including the book and other items can be purchased here at a 10% discount.

Are primed-microglia permanent?

The use of vagus nerve stimulation, high concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, and extra virgin olive oil have been shown in animal models to cause primed M1-microglia to shift their behavior into an anti-inflammatory, tissue-repairing M2-microglia. These will need to be continued long term until other methods of eliminating primed microglia are found.

What are Primed Microglia?

Primed microglia are formed after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from bacterial overgrowth (SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth) leaks into the bloodstream and eventually migrates to the brain and encounters healthy microglia. LPS transforms healthy microglia into harmful, inflammatory microglia which are referred to as primed microglia.

I understand that you are to not use any other supplements. What about medications that the child might be taking?

I recommend getting rid of unnecessary supplements but strongly encourage parents to continue prescription medications and never stop or taper them without some guidance from the prescribing physician. I believe that a child with autism or developmental disorders should be under the primary supervision of a licensed physician who should always be consulted about any medicines or supplements recommended to the child by any other healthcare provider (physician, naturopath, DAN doctor, herbalist, etc.). No prescribed medicines or supplements should ever be reduced or stopped without permission and upon the direction of the prescribing physician.

My child is on a number of supplements and I want to start the protocol. Should I stop giving them before we start?

I believe that a child with autism or developmental disorders should be under the primary supervision of a licensed physician who should always be consulted about any medicines or supplements recommended to the child by any other healthcare provider (physician, naturopath, DAN doctor, herbalist, etc.). No prescribed medicines or supplements should ever be reduced or stopped without permission and upon the direction of the prescribing physician.

My child is on a few prescription medications. Do I need to stop those before starting?

Regarding all prescription medications or prescription supplements (e.g., iron, Vitamin D3, injectable Vitamin B12, or leucovorin), parents should never under any circumstance reduce or stop those without first consulting their child’s managing physician. Generally prescribed medications do not interfere with the protocol, and after several months you may be able to taper off the medications under supervision.

Are premature babies are more prone to SIBO?

At this time, there is no evidence that premature babies are more prone to SIBO.

Can I take prenatal vitamins while pregnant?

Yes. But I recommend discussing any supplementations during pregnancy with your OB-GYN or primary care physicians. nn

Can I take Rifaximin while pregnant?

Absolutely not. Rifaximin has not been approved for use during pregnancy.nTo improve intestinal balance during pregnancy, I recommend my patients supplement if needed with the over the counter prebiotic plant fiber inulin. Although not as effective as rifaximin, inulin may improve the intestinal symptoms of bacterial overgrowth such as diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and cramping.

How much olive oil should I take while pregnant?

I typically recommend that the expectant mothers under my care supplement with 2 tablespoons of COOC-certified extra virgin olive oil. High intakes of fish and olive oil are routine in many regions of the Mediterranean and as a natural consequence are known to be safe during pregnancy.