How can I be sure that my child’s propionic acid levels have dropped?

The intestinal bacteria can communicate to the brain through 5 or 6 different pathways. In kids with autism, I like seeing signs that they are calming down (better sleep, less anxiety, less stemming) and more in touch with their surroundings (improved eye-to-eye contact, recognizing the arrival of a familiar person). These are signs to me that the propionic acid levels are dropping.

What is Propionic Acid?

A small chain fatty acid produced most commonly by bacteria that live within large intestine (colon).

How do I find the Progress Tracker to determine my child’s progress?

The progress Tracker is located in the left column of a desktop computer screen or can be found after clicking on the 3 bars in the upper left of your mobile screen.

Will adding in a probiotic cause problems while on the protocol?

The most common way to re-trigger regression is to add a probiotic while using inulin or after treatment with rifaximin. After bacterial overgrowth has been stabilized, I counsel my patients to avoid probiotics indefinitely.

What your thoughts on spores are? We switched to megaspore rather than traditional probiotics but are wondering if this is also contraindicated on your protocol.n

I believe any form of probiotic (spore or otherwise) can cause problems when attempting to reverse bacterial overgrowth with inulin or rifaximin.

Are probiotics taken after a round of antibiotics useful?

No. There is no evidence that taking probiotics during or after a course of antibiotics. There is even some evidence that the gut biome might be damaged more when taken in this fashion.nAt present, I do not recommend probiotics under any condition.

My child has been taking probiotics for years. We stopped but do we need to wait some time before starting inulin or rifaximin?

There is no need to wait between stopping probiotics and starting inulin or rifaximin.

Can I use probiotics with inulin or rifaximin?

I strongly advise against using probiotics in combination with inulin or rifaximin. It usually limits recovery and may actually worsen their clinical status.

I always heard that probiotics were beneficial for gut health. Why are you against using them?

I disagree with the many “health experts” who recommend probiotics for children and adults to improve their gut health. While the concept of simply adding in some “good bacteria” is alluring, the formal medical science regarding gut health does not strongly support the use of probiotics. They may dampen some intestinal symptoms but do not resolve the bacterial overgrowth enough to lower inflammation and improve neurological recovery.

What is a Probiotic?

Bacterial organisms that are ingested or added to foods with the purpose of improving health.