Where can I find Dr. Nemechek’s weekly Q & A videos?

The weekly videos are posted within the Parent Chat community.

Is supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) considered safe for persons diagnosed with Pyroluria?

I am not aware of any studies suggesting omega-3 consumption specifically causes inflammation or any other unique problem in individuals with pyroluria. There is little to no evidence that pyroluria even exists as a true medical condition.

Can The Nemechek Protocol benefit persons with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol for Autonomic Recovery is designed to reduce elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the presence of abnormally primed M1- microglia. These 2 pathological processes prevent recovery from brain injury, interfere with neuronal/synaptic pruning, interfere with brain development in utero, and are a key feature of the neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS). It is capable of reversing a wide range of chronic neurological conditions (migraine and cluster headaches, chronic fatigue, generalized anxiety, depression/PTSD, ADD/ADHD) as well as intestinal disorders (heartburn, reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, etc.), and it’s potent anti-inflammatory effect substantially reduces symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, etc.)

How do we determine if psychiatric medications are no longer necessary?

After starting the protocol, a gradual improvement in mood and behavior will become noticeable after a few months. As the improvements continue, reducing the medication dose by 25-50% will allow you to measure if the medication is still necessary. I always recommend dose reductions with the assistance of the prescribing physician.

Can The Nemechek Protocol benefit persons with Psoriasis?

Yes. The Nemechek Protocol for Autonomic Recovery is designed to reduce elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the presence of abnormally primed M1- microglia. These 2 pathological processes prevent recovery from brain injury, interfere with neuronal/synaptic pruning, interfere with brain development in utero, and are a key feature of the neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS). It is capable of reversing a wide range of chronic neurological conditions (migraine and cluster headaches, chronic fatigue, generalized anxiety, depression/PTSD, ADD/ADHD) as well as intestinal disorders (heartburn, reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, etc.), and it’s potent anti-inflammatory effect substantially reduces symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders (Crohn’s, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, etc.)

What is meant by pruning?

For a child to realize their developmental milestones, they need to prune away fifty percent of the neurons within their brain. Synaptic pruning is the brain’s way of removing unnecessary connections that are not required, which strengthens the necessary ones to mature and lock in a new developmental skill.  Once pruned away, these neurons are gone forever, never to return. Developmental delays occur when there is incomplete or slowed pruning of the neurons of the brain.  nnThe brain learns to speak, socialize, and process sensory inputs by pruning away neurons. The Nemechek Protocol® resolves developmental delays by allowing the microglia to begin to prune away the excessive neurons finally, and this leads to developmental gains.  nnIn some cases, I may add in Transcutaneous VNS because the VNS assists all developmental areas to recover through its combined effect on suppressing the harmful effects of inflammation on neuronal pruning and repair and its ability to expand neural networks.

Does the protocol work for everyone?

The protocol has a profound effect on reducing inflammation which allows a variety of natural healing processes to reverse many medical issues. Most profoundly, the nervous has an enormous ability to recover when inflammation is reduced.

My child’s blood test shows normal propionic acid levels. Do I still need to use inulin?

Blood testing is not yet a reliable means to monitor propionic acid, nor does it give any indication if there remains bacterial overgrowth from a strain of bacteria that is not capable of producing propionic acid. Any level of bacterial overgrowth, propionic acid-producing or not, will prevent neurological recovery.

How do you test and monitor propionic acid levels?

Although there are tests available that can measure propionic acid levels in the bloodstream and urine, there are no set standards that we can use to determine if a level is too high or low. Furthermore, there are various metabolic variants of propionic acid (3HHA, 3HPA, HPHPA) that may actually be able to be used as a marker for autism. From a practical standpoint, if a child under my care has any features resembling autism, any spectral disorder, ADD/ADHD, a mood disorder, or any form of developmental delay, I am going to initiate this simple and safe protocol because any of these diagnoses has a good chance of recovering regardless of the result of a propionic related test result.

I have just learned that propionic acid can be found in some baked goods like bread, and it can be called different names in the ingredient list. Should my son avoid bread? Is the propionic acid used in food the same that is produced in the body?

The amount of propionic acid in the food supply is minimal and incapable of causing autistic-like behaviors in children. As such, there are no food restrictions with The Nemechek Protocol.