Curious as to what classifies as a secondary behavior that Dr Nemechek speaks of after reading the recovery scorecard. Specifically my daughter age 5 has been on the protocol for 2.5 years and in the last four months has developed intolerance for many sounds that never bothered her before.

The Progres Tracker is designed to help determine when you change the protocol and is not a determinant of whether things are better or worse at any given moment. As long as the fine tracker elements (receptive language, expressive language, socialization, emotional regulation and blood pressure regulation) care improving, other secondary behaviors (stemming, sensory problems, potty training, picky eating, etc.) will eventually resolve.

Is increase in scripting and echolalia a common symptom of awakening? Or can it be inulin intolerance.

It is common to see an increase in behaviors such as these during the awakening. Parents need to understand why this is happening. As bacterial overgrowth is reversed and propionic acid levels decline, these children are released from the toxic, stuporous prison they have been trapped in. Eliminating the sedative effect will give a child’s parent a sense of potentially how neurologically imbalanced their child is. Some behaviors may seem worse because the propionic acid suppressed their ability to act out these behaviors as a drug might similarly do. This is not inulin intolerance, and you should see these behaviors settle as the recovery unfolds.

Can you direct me to any scientific evidence that shows The Nemechek Protocol can?

The are no large scale trials studying The Nemechek Protocol but we do have a review paper that discusses the sciences and is loaded with other scientific references the protocol is based upon.

Can The Nemechek Protocol benefit persons with Schizophrenia?

While The Nemechek Protocol can reduce coexistent anxiety and depression that are common among individuals with schizophrenia, the protocol does not seem to be able to put the core features of schizophrenia into remission.

Which type of rock salt do you recommend to boost blood pressure to the head (that also contains iodine)?

My first response it DO NOT USE SEA SALT. Studies are showing that modern sea salts contain concentrated amounts of microplastics, and other pollutants in the sea.nnYou want salt that has been mined from underground; this is all salt not classified as sea salt. Sometimes it is referred to as ancient sea salt since the salt in the mine comes from the areas of the earth that were once covered by water many millions of years ago. There were no pollutants in the salt back then.nnOther than avoiding modern sea salt, I do not have a specific recommendation for salts. Some such as Morton’s table salt contain iodine, others such as Redmond’s do not.nnIodine deficiency use to be the single most common nutrient deficiency worldwide and results in a neurological problem called cretinism. The addition of iodine helped to prevent this from occurring.

What kind of salt should I use to boost blood pressure?

Many people think sea salt is the healthiest form of salt. Unfortunately, most sea salt is contaminated with harmful microplastics and sometimes heavy metals. I prefer salt that is mined from underground. Scientifically speaking, all mined salt is actually ancient sea salt when different areas of the earth were covered with water millions of years ago. Since humankind was not present then, there are no contaminants in ancient sea salt from a mine. nnThe iodine added to many salts is harmless and can help if iodine deficiency is present. Iodine deficiency was the most common nutritional deficiency globally and caused cretinism in children.

Any thoughts on Safe and sound protocol?

While I agree with the thoughts of the polyvagal theory, the Safe and Sound protocol may trigger some negative responses if it is not performed under the right circumstances. Only use such techniques under the direct supervision of a trained therapist.

Will the protocol work for my child?

The Nemechek Protocol has a very positive effect on children with a wide-arrange of developmental, sensory, motor, and emotional issues. The basic protocol of inulin, fish oil, and olive are safe but very potent in lowering abnormal levels of inflammation within children. And by reducing inflammation, the nervous system is more capable of restoring neurological functioning.

Is the protocol safe if my child has problems with one of their organs (heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, lungs or kidney)?

Generally speaking, fish oil, olive oil, and inulin or rifaximin are very safe but I always recommend getting approval from your child’s physician in case there are some unusual factors with your child’s health or the treatment they are receiving.

My son has had a runny nose for about 5 weeks now. Should I worry?

If a runny nose or a slight cough are present when behavior worsens, I then assume these symptoms represent an underlying sinus infection. The symptoms will usually greatly improve after a few days of fluticasone nasal spray. On occasion, antibiotics are required to clear the symptoms. Once cleared, the behaviors will improve.