How should I store olive oil or fish oil?

The primary deteriorating factors for fish oil and olive oil are sunlight and oxygen. Both are commonly stored in dark glass containers to block some light, but a typical bottle does little to prevent oxygen from entering the bottle every time the oil is poured out of the bottle.nnRefrigeration helps to limit oxidation damage to the oils. Unfortunately, refrigerating olive oil often makes it so thick it cannot be poured out of the bottle. Fish oil capsules are not required to be refrigerated because the oil is protected from oxygen by the gelatin capsule.nnNemechek Gold olive oil is stored in a pouch that prevents all light from damaging the oil, and all oxygen is removed from the container during the filling process. Oil is dispensed through a spout, and the self-collapsing nature of the bag prevents oxygen from entering the pouch.nnThe pouch design for Nemechek Gold is the best method to store olive oil.

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