Does The Nemechek Protocol work if the autism diagnosis is genetic?
Many children with genetic disorders do experience significant neurological improvement with The Nemechek Protocol. Children with autism will often undergo genetic testing to help focus the diagnosis of their developmental disorder. The problem with this random genetic testing is twofold. nnFirst, the specter of a “genetic disorder” implies it is irreversible and leaves many parents feeling that recovery is impossible. In fact, many parents are being counseled that because of these genetic test results, there is little hope for their child to improve. Secondly, demonstrating there is a genetic abnormality does not mean the abnormality is a cause of autism. Some genetic abnormalities in autistic children can be found in a certain percentage of all children with autism. This still does not mean that the identified genes “cause” autism. nnThere is a very real possibility that some of these genes with a high association with autism may simply trigger bacterial overgrowth or lead to a predilection of overgrowth with a propionic acid-producing bacterium. I believe this is more common than not and explains why so many children improve on my protocol in spite of their genetic abnormality.