Resources for Parents

About The Nemechek Protocol®

The Nemechek Navigator is a resource for parents regarding the impact The Nemechek Protocol® can have on children with autism and other developmental disorders. The protocol is based on the scientific principle that if excessive levels of neuroinflammation are suppressed, the nervous system is capable of restoring neurological function even from injuries that are decades old. Recent advances in neuroscientific research now view this concept as an exciting new approach towards the treatment and prevention of a wide range of neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, chronic mood disorders, attention disorders, and such common complaints as recurrent headaches, chronic fatigue, and brain fog.

Originally Designed for Adults

The Nemechek Protocol was initially developed over 20 years to treat adults with chronic autonomic dysfunction. By reversing systemic and neuroinflammation using a combination of fish oil, olive oil, vagus nerve stimulation, and reversal of underlying small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Dr. Nemechek is capable of achieving neurological recovery substantial enough to be granted a U.S Patent in 2016 for Methods of Reversing Autonomic Nervous System Damage.

The Nemechek Protocol® and Autism

The first use of The Nemechek Protocol in autism was in 2015 with a 3-year-old, non-verbal girl with regressive autism. She experienced dramatic improvement within a short period and was nearly neurotypical nine months after starting the protocol.

The theoretical basis that balancing intestinal bacteria might be beneficial in autism dates back to a paper published in 2000 that documented the improvement in 8 of 10 children treated with an antibiotic used to treat bacterial overgrowth within the small intestine (SIBO). The concept that SIBO can lead to significant illness extends 60 years of research involving hepatic encephalopathy and Clostridium difficle enterocolitis.

The positive impact of The Nemechek Protocol on autism began spreading via the internet. It led to the publication of the first edition of The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders (2017), which was eventually translated into 12 different languages. An updated second edition of The Nemechek Protocol was released in 2021.

Social media has contributed to the widespread adoption of The Nemechek Protocol, with over 70 Facebook groups devoted to the topic and countless What’s App, Telegram, Instagram, and WeChat groups.

The Nemechek Protocol® Helps Children with ADD, POTS, PANS, PANDAS, and Emotional Dysregulation

The Nemechek Protocol is a treatment program directed at a chronic elevation of inflammation and not for a specific disease. This may come as a surprise to many parents, but many of the most common chronic neurological issues affecting children are the result of chronic inflammation.  Furthermore, a growing number of clinical studies are revealing that the human brain has an enormous capacity to repair itself and restore normal neurological function if chronic inflammation is eliminated.

The Nemechek Protocol dramatic impact seen in children with non-autistic neurological conditions has led to the publication of The Nemechek Protocol for ADD, POTS, PANS, PANDAS and Emotional Dysregulation in November 2023.  Children with these conditions tend to recover even faster than similar aged children with autism.

Why You Need the Nemechek Navigator™️

With the growing popularity of The Nemechek Protocol and the ever-increasing number of resources provided by Dr. Nemechek, the need for a single autism resource site for parents became obvious.

The Nemechek Navigator combines artificial intelligence with a database of over 700 questions answered by Dr. Nemechek to assist parents in obtaining the correct information they need to help their child successfully recover from autism and developmental delay. More questions and answers are added by Dr. Nemechek to the database every week.

Benefits of The Nemechek Navigator™️

Progress Tracking Tool

Shareable Questions and Answers

New and Updated Video Library

Protocol Dosing Calculator

Searchable Database of 900+ Questions

Nemechek Protocol Community Forum

Discounts on Approved Protocol Products

The Navigator also provides an autism progress tracking tool, an extensive library of updated educational videos, dosing guides, shareable questions and answers, discounts protocol products, and a private community forum for you to share your experience with other parents. Dr. Nemechek is also a member of the community forum and will be answering submitted questions once a week from forum members.

Childhood Neurological Problems that May Improve with The Nemechek Protocol®

  1. Autism
  2. Regressive Autism
  3. Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD or PDD-NOS)
  4. Sensory Processing Disorders
  5. Apraxia
  6. Hypotonia
  7. Insomnia
  8. Attention Disorders (ADD, ADHD)
  10. Cerebral Palsy
  11. Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  12. Stroke, Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
  13. Oculomotor Dysfunction
  14. Intellectual Disability

Mood Disorders that May Improve with The Nemechek Protocol®

  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Bipolar Disorder
  4. Schizophrenia
  5. Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Problems that May Improve with The Nemechek Protocol®

  1. Failure to Thrive
  2. Gastroparesis
  3. Reflux or GERD
  4. Constipation
  5. Malabsorption
  6. Chronic Diarrhea
  7. Rectal Prolapse
  8. Food Intolerance
  9. Picky Eater
  10. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  11. Short Stature Syndrome