After starting The Nemechek Protocol my child seems to be going backwards and doing things that seem young for his age.

Once recovery begins, a wide range of imbalances can present themselves and manifest as new abnormal behavior that might be misconstrued as a regression. I have even seen young adults in their 20’s seeming go through their “terrible two’s” as they recover. Parents need to anticipate that their children’s emotional maturity generally will not match their physical age during recovery. They may have an autistic child who is six, twelve, or twenty-four years old but behaves as if they are a two-year-old child. They must do their best to be patient during this difficult time because in six months a child who behaved liked a two-year-old child may begin behaving as if they are three or four years old. In another six to twelve months, they may progress to the behavior of a five or six-year-old. This maturation process will continue on more or less over time.

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