Which non sugar products are best avoided? (Honey and maple syrup are ok), but what about truvia, coconut sugar, or monk fruit sweetener? Thank you

You should avoid all non-sugar sweeteners (known as non-nutritive sweeteners). Any substance that tastes sweet, sugar or non-sugar, triggers sweet receptors in the mouth. Once triggered, several biological mechanisms are activated, including insulin production.nnInsulin is released in advance of the absorption of sugar so the body can quickly and efficiently store the rising sugar blood levels from sugar into muscles and fat cells.nnWhen non-sugar sweeteners trigger the release of insulin, there is no accompanying rise in blood sugar levels, but the insulin is released nonetheless, and hypoglycemia may follow. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) often leads to fatigue and an increase in hunger. The rebound hunger from non-sugar sweeteners is why “diet sodas” are associated with increased obesity.nnAlso, non-sugar sweeteners will change the balance of intestinal bacteria and how they communicate with your brain; this disrupts the body’s function in various other ways. Avoid all non-sugar sweeteners, even if they are natural and organic.

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