How do I determine if my dose of inulin is effective?

Reversal of bacterial overgrowth with inulin will lead to a drop in propionic acid and often results in what I refer to as the awakening, especially in younger patients. The awakening occurs within the first 1-2 weeks and is manifested by the children showing more eye contact, more alertness, more engagement, and possibly even more stimming or insomnia. Once the awakening occurs, the dose of inulin used is adequate because the sudden improvement in the child’s behavior is evidence that the bacteria have been suppressed. No further increases in inulin dosage are necessary if the awakening occurs. If the initial dose of inulin does not trigger an “awakening” (more engaged, better eye contact, more aware of the world around them) then you may need to increase inulin slowly but do not exceed the ½ tsp dose. Members of the Nemechek Navigator can purchase Nemechek Blue inulin here at a 10% discount.

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